What Traits Get Passed On?

MS-LS1-8 - Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories.
MS-LS3-2 - Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation.

Learning Targets

  • Students are working toward the understanding that sensory receptors respond to stimuli and that some traits are passed on through the process of reproduction.

Success Criteria

  • analyze data about inherited traits to determine if two traits are related.
  • provide evidence to distinguish between the influence of inheritance and environment on traits.

Questions to Ponder

  • Does everyone in your family like all of the same foods?
  • Do you think this is heredity or common experience?
  • Is there a food you eat now that you would not eat when you were younger?
  • Do we all have the same kinds of receptors on our tongues?
  • Do you think things taste exactly the same to each of us?

The Five Ways to Describe How Something Tastes

  • sweet (like sugar)
  • sour (like lemons)
  • bitter (like unsweetened chocolate or coffee)
  • salty (like potato chips)
  • umami (like the savory taste of meats and cheeses)

Taste Test


  1. Taste a small sample of Brussels Sprouts. Record whether you like it or not. If you have already tried it and you know your opinion please do not be afraid to try it again FOR SCIENCE!
  2. Describe the taste - sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami
  3. Taste a sample of Plain Paper and the PTC paper.
  4. If you were able to taste the PTC describe it - sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami
  5. Record the results for your team.

As a Team...

  • Based on the data from your group, do you think there is a connection between disliking Brussels sprouts and being able to taste PTC? Explain your answer.

Back to the Data...

  1. Collect data from the rest of the class. Record the class data on a table like the one below.
  2. Create two separate circle graphs to show the results of the entire class data.

As a Team

  • Before you were asked if you thought there is a connection between disliking Brussels sprouts and being able to taste PTC. Now that you have seen the data from the whole class, would you change your answer to this question? Why?


  • Read Lesson 2 Reading One: Do the Traits I Inherited Affect My Sense of Taste or Smell? (page 16-20) in the WHY DO ORGANISMS LOOK THE WAY THEY DO? text.
  • Discuss the questions as you get to them in the text.


Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) - It has the unusual property that it either tastes very bitter or is virtually tasteless, depending on the genetic makeup of the taster.

Read below to find out more...
