Baby Making Project

MS-LS3-2 - Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation.

Learning Target

  • Develop a model to show how sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation.

Success Criteria

  • Predict genetic outcomes using a Punnett Square.

Phenotypes and Genotypes

  1. Round Eyes- EE Round Eyes- Ee Star Eyes- ee
  2. Pink Eyes- WW Pink Eyes- Ww Yellow Eyes- ww
  3. Round Head-HH Round Head- Hh Football Head-hh
  4. Dark Blue Skin- SS Dark Blue Skin- Ss Light Blue Skin-ss
  5. Up Triangle Nose-NN Up Triangle nose- Nn Down Triangle-nn
  6. Red Nose- RR Red Nose- Rr White Nose- rr
  7. Smile- MM Smile- Mm Frown- mm
  8. Triangle Ears- TT Triangle Ears- Tt Square Ears-tt
  9. Curly Hair- LL Curly Hair- Ll Straight Hair- ll
  10. Red Hair- BB Red Hair-Bb Yellow Hair- bb