Electricity & Magnetism


In the Electricity and Magnetism unit, students will cite evidence supporting the fact that electrical energy can be produced from a variety of energy sources and can itself be transformed into almost any other form of energy. Students will start by investigating and learning to understand the relationship between electricity and magnetism. They will then learn about the many ways that electricity is produced as well as the huge numbers of uses that we have for electricity. Students will also consider some of the issues surrounding the production and use of electricity.

go to Electricity and Magnetism objectives

Questions to Ponder

  • Where does electricity come from?
  • What is the relationship between electricity and magnetism?
  • What is electromagnetism?
  • How many things can you list that are attracted to magnets?
  • What is a magnetic field?

Electricity Files: Shock

Scavenger Hunt Directions

You will work with a group to construct a scavenger hunt worksheet for the Electricity Filesbooklet. Your worksheet must include the following:

  • Page number written next to each question
  • 3 true and false questions (1pt. each)
  • 3 fill-in questions --include a word bank (1pt. each)
  • 3 multiple choice questions (1pt. each)
  • Neatness (1 pts)
  • Answer Sheet (5 pts.)

  • total of 15 pts.

After worksheets are completed, you will switch papers with another group, and fill in their worksheet. Your group will be responsible for grading your worksheet after other students have completed them. Your grade will be based on your ability to follow the directions stated above. You will receive a second grade for the worksheet that you fill out.

Generating Electricity

In this activity you will learn the basics of creating electricity.

IMPORTANT! - In this activity you will be using a magnet. It is very important that you keep the magnet away from electronic equipment, including this computer!!!!


  • 1 galvanometer
  • 1 solenoid (coil of wire)
  • 1 bar magnet
  • 1 D battery
  • 2 short pieces of insulated wire - approximately 10 cm - with ends stripped off


  1. Attach each of the short pieces of wire to the terminals on the galvanometer. Make sure that the metal of the wire is making contact with the metal of the terminals on the galvanometer.
  2. Lay the battery on its side. Touch the other end of one of the wires to the positive (+) side of the battery and the other to the negative (-) side. IMPORTANT - Do not leave the wires attached to the battery for too long or it will get hot! What happens? What do you think would happen if you switch the sides that the wires touch? Try it and record your results.
  3. Lay the bar magnet on its side. Touch the other end of one of the wires to the north (N) side of the magnet and the other to the South (S) side. What happens? What do you think would happen if you switch the sides that the wires touch? Try it and record your results.
  4. Remove the wires from the galvanometer and attach the stripped wire ends of the solenoid.
  5. Place the bar magnet inside the coil of the solenoid. Rapidly remove the bar magnet and then put it back in several times. What happens to the galvanometer?
  6. What do you think would happen if you turn the magnet around? Try it and record your results.


  • Click here to complete the conclusion questions.


Add the following terms to your Electricity and Magnetism Notes:

  • energy
  • types of energy
  • galvenometer
  • solenoid
  • electric circuit

What is Energy?

Learn about the different kinds of energy, how it is stored, and how it is transferred. Click here to begin.

Energy Transformations

Energy Transformations

Energy Transformations Quiz

Click here to take the Quiz to show your knowledge of Energy Transformations

Magnetic Field Active Art

Complete the Magnetic Field Lines activity and complete the self test.

Labeling the Magnetic Field around a Bar Magnet

Complete the following activity to show what the invisible magnetic field around a magnet would look like if we could see it.


  • paper and pencil (please use your notebook!)
  • bar magnet
  • compass


  1. CAUTION! - Please keep the Magnet away from the computer screen.
  2. Place your paper sideways on a flat surface. Place the bar magnet in the center of the paper and trace around it.
  3. Pick up the magnet and label the North and South poles. When you are done, put the magnet back on the paper.
  1. Place a compass on the paper at the North end of the magnet. Notice the direction the arrow is pointing. Pick up the compass. Draw a line where it had been that shows the direction the needle on the compass is pointing. Use an arrowhead to represent the white end of the compass needle.
  2. Repeat step four with the South end.
  3. Move the compass around the magnet to each corner and 3 places on each of the long sides and draw a line that shows the direction the needle on the compass is pointing.
  4. Choose 15 more random places and mark the position of the needle at each.
  5. Hint - The more arrows you draw the more complete your drawing will be!
  6. When you have completed this activity you will have a drawn a picture of what the magnetic field around a magnet should look like (if we could see it!) The magnetic field is invisible but we can see how it affects things around it. Check out what the finished drawing should look like: Mag_field_drawing.jpg Does it look anything like the magnetic field in the Active Art Activity? (see above)

Question – How far does the magnetic field extend around the magnet? Is there a way to find out? Try it!

  • I took the completed magnetic field diagram, placed the bar magnet beneath it and poured iron filings on the diagram. Click Mag_field_filings.jpg to check it out.


Add the following terms to your Electricity and Magnetism Notes:

  • magnet
  • magnetic field
  • magnetic poles

Magnetic Fields Simulation

Click Run Now! to explore the interactions between a compass and bar magnet.

Electricity, Magnets, and Motion

Follow these simple steps to recreate a famous experiment that led to the invention of the electric motor.


  • battery holder
  • D battery
  • 20-30cm insulated wire (ends stripped)
  • magnet


  1. Attach the ends of the wire to either end of the battery holder.
  2. Move the magnet around the wire without actually touching it. Hint - Try to get the magnet as close to the wire as possible without touching it. Make observations: What, if anything, happened?
  3. Place the D battery in the battery holder
  4. Move the magnet around the wire without actually touching it. Make observations: What, if anything, happened?

Watch the following video; a dramatic reenactment of the original experiment performed by Michael Faraday.


Add the following terms to your Electricity and Magnetism Notes:

  • conductor
  • insulator
  • motor
  • generator
  • turbine

Electromagnet Video

Building an Electromagnet


  • Construct an electromagnet and demonstrate how to increase its magnetic properties.


  • 50 cm wire
  • 1 large nail
  • 1 D battery
  • 1 battery holder
  • 5 paper clips
  • 1 compass


  1. Read all procedures.
  2. Create a data table.
  3. Gather your materials.
  4. Write this question in your science notebook
    • To what extent does the number of coils affect the strength of an electromagnet?
  5. Make a Hypothesis in your notebook:
    • I think _ because ___.
  6. Remove 1 - 1.5 cm of the wire coating at each end of the wire. (this may already be done for you)
  7. Starting 10 cm from the end of the wire, make a coil around the nail by wrapping the copper wire around the nail 5 times.
  8. Insert the battery into the battery holder and attach the ends of the wire to each end of the battery holder. CAUTION! - do not leave the wires plugged in too long. They will get very hot!
  9. Move the compass close to the nail. Record your observations on the data table.
  10. Hold the nail near the paper clips. Observe the number of paper clips attached to the nail. Record this on your data table.
  11. Repeat steps 7-8 making the coil with 15 turns of the wire.
  12. Repeat steps 7-8 making the coil with 25 turns of the wire.

Conclusion - click here to answer the questions

  1. How did changing the number of turns in the coil affect your electromagnet?
  2. Hypothesize a different way to change the strength of your electromagnet.
  3. How did the compass demonstrate the strength of your electromagnet?

Complete the following worksheet after the Building the Electromagnet Lab

What is Electromagnetism_.pdf


Add the following terms to your Electricity and Magnetism Notes:

  • ferromagnetic
  • permanent magnet
  • electromagnet
  • electromagnetism

An Energy Debate

Objectives – Students will be able to . . .

Research and identify various energy sources and the energy transforming devices used to produce electrical energy


    • Students will work in groups of 2-3 to research two different ways that electricity is produced and develop an argument about which is the best to use.
      • Each group member will have designated jobs
        • leader - keeps the group on track and make sure everyone is working and helps each of the different members where needed
        • head researcher - is responsible for giving research assignments to the rest of the group and making sure that all necessary information is gathered
        • secretary - records all information on the correct form, and ensures completeness of the project
        • housekeeping - everybody helps to keep the area clean
    • Students will use print and internet resources to research the pros and cons of the various energy sources. - Pros and Cons Worksheet
  • Energy Debate Student Sheet.pdf
    • The final product must have at least 3 pros and 3 cons for each energy source, contain at least one labeled graphic for each energy source and have a final opinion as to which energy source is the best for our planet that includes a valid reason.
    • Students will be randomly given a pair of energy production methods and research each to develop an informed decision as to which they think is the best for our planet:
      • Wind
      • Solar
      • Hydroelectric
      • Fossil Fuels
      • Nuclear

Student groups will present their opinions on the final day of the project.

Students will use their research to create a presentation of the facts. They may display their information in one of several ways:

    • Informative brochure
    • Skit
    • Poster
    • Slideshow presentation (Google Drive, Prezi, etc.)

We will chart the results to see what energy source receives the most support from all of the classes.


The final project will be graded using an 20-point rubric. This presentation will be subject to peer review and questioning.

Click here for the Energy Debate Rubric

Internet Resources:

Energy Debate Homework

Click on this link to complete homework about the Energy Debate

Paper format is available here: Alternative Energy.pdf

Bill Nye the Science Guy - Magnetism video quiz

Use this form during the Bill Nye the Science Guy - Magnetism video