Graffiti Fonts

"What is a Graffiti Font?!"

First off, let's start with GRAFFITI.  Graffiti is the ‘stuff’ you see on the sides of buildings and train cars.  It started in the 1970's in America as a 'not very legal' way for Artists to leave their marks behind for others to see.  

A FONT is simply a style of making letters.  

For example, the letter A or a or  A or even  A  . . . same letter, different Fonts!

Graffiti has now morphed into what is known as “Street Art”.  It has become much more than just spraying paint on the side of things (which is NOT always a good thing to do . . especially if you don’t want to get in trouble, RIGHT!!)  

Street Art can now be seen in many public places, such as modern murals on buildings - -


Creating Your "TAG"

A TAG is "Graffiti Code" for your name.  Most Street Artists don't use their REAL name, but create  FAKE onez and hope that they won't get into trouble later.  For this creative challenge, we're going to use your REAL INITIALS to create a cool TAG.

First, let's start with "BUBBLE LETTERS".  Now that you've Mastered making regular letters, it's time to try making them look a bit more Creative!

DRAW your first letter very LIGHTLY with a pencil.

Now change the shape of your letter, adding EXTRA LINES around it to make it BIGGER.

Finally, ERASE any of the "extra lines" that you no longer need.  Going over your pencil lines with a PEN or MARKER first will help you keep the lines you really want to see!

REPEAT the same steps with each letter, until you have completed your TAG.  The real key to success is taking chances and getting CREATIVE with how you make your letters.  Keep trying . . it takes LOTS of practice to get good at making COOL LETTERS!


Graffiti Generators

There are some really cool websites that can help you transform your letters into Graffiti Fonts. 

"Graffiti Generator" is a pretty cool website that lets you try out some different styles.  Unless you're willing to pay to print and save your creations, it's more for the FUN of trying. - -

"Text Studio" is another cool site, and is a bit easier to save your work on.  There are LOTS of different Fonts to choose from . . not just Graffiti styles!  Some are locked, but many are open to try. - -