Manabu Ikeda

Manabu Ikeda was born in 1973 in Saba, JapanHe is a Contemporary Artist known for his SUPER-detailed Pen and Ink drawings.  Most of his artworks are done on a VERY large scale, and take an average of THREE YEARS to complete!

"Rebirth" - 2016

Can you imagine spending 8 hours, every single day, for 3 years straight working on the same artwork?!  Manabu Ikeda is certainly a talented artist, but also one with LOTS of dedication and PERSISTENCE!! 

"Foretoken" - 2008

Take a close look at all the DETAILS in  Manabu Ikeda's artworks . . INCREDIBLE!

"History's Rise and Fall" - 2006


This drawing by Ikeda is called "Regeneration".  Can you tell what he was thinking about when he made it?  What do you SEE?  Each one of his pictures tells a STORY . . not with words, but with Lines, Colors, Shapes and Dots.  See if you can CREATE an Artwork that tells a STORY . . make it a Good One!


This picture shows a Close-Up DETAIL from Ikeda's "Rebirth" artwork above.  Even though it's just a small section, it almost looks like an Artwork all by itself!  CREATE an artwork with AS MUCH DETAIL  as you can . . it might take some time!


In this picture you can see how BIG Ikeda works! LOTS of Space to tell a visual story.   Find a BIG piece of paper, and CREATE as much DETAIL as you can on one sheet.

...OR, try a 'small' piece of paper, and see what happens!?