A handful of years ago the school started a "Raider of the Month" program, celebrating students exhibiting OUT Of This WORLD leadership qualities.  When that idea 'fizzled out' a bit, I thought it might be nice to continue with a smaller but just as TERRIFIC Celebration by choosing TWO "TOP NOTCH" ARTISTS each month.  No easy task, with so many excellent Artists to choose from, but hopefully I've made some solid choices to Share the Spotlight each month.  So without further adieu, Ben Logan Elementary's ARTISTS of the MONTH!!! 

April 2024

4th Grade - Mr. Smith

1. Oliver’s favorite thing about school: “I enjoy everything about school.”

2. Oliver’s favorite thing about being Creative: “It is one of my personalities.”

3. Oliver’s “DREAM MEAL” . . “Waffles and Pancakes”:)

4. When not in school, you can find Oliver creating some Artworks.

5. One thing Oliver would do to make our school even better: “Make Specials longer.”

6. When Oliver grows up he would like to be an Author and Illustrator.

Why was Oliver chosen as Artist of the Month?

Oliver’s imagination has always been Amazing, Inspirational, and off-the-charts Incredible!  He has really come into his own this year as he continues to develop his unique, creative ‘voice’.  Both of this month’s Artists have many creative adventures ahead of them.

4th Grade - Ms. Kuck

1. Rileigh’s favorite thing about school: “I like the last month of school because we do lots of fun things like watch movies.”

2. Rileigh’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I like being creative because I think of cool things people haven’t thought of yet, or that isn’t a thing yet."

3. Rileigh’s “DREAM MEAL” . . “Unlimited really cheesey Mac and Cheese, lots of oranges and a LARGE, LARGE, LARGE Rootbeer Float at Red Robin”:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Rileigh doing Karate, jumping on the trampoline with her sister, playing Roblox, and drawing.

5. One thing Rileigh would do to make our school even better: “I would do drawings with kind words on them and give them to teachers so when kids walk into classrooms they get reminded to be kind, confident, etc..”

6. When Rileigh grows up: “I want to first publish a book called “Bob’s (short) Diary”. I call it this because when I made the original version of it in 2nd grade I made it 14 pages long (I will remake the book with no spelling errors). I also want to create an anime series.

Why was Rileigh chosen as Artist of the Month?

Well, her answers pretty much tell the whole story!  Rileigh looks at and thinks about the world as only an Artist does, and she has been inspirational during every one of her Elementary years.  Both of this month’s Artists have many creative adventures ahead of them.

March 2024

1st Grade - Mrs. Huston

1. Rozlynn’s favorite thing about school: “Going to Specials”.

2. Rozlynn’s favorite thing about being Creative: “It is fun and it is colorful”.

3. Rozlynn’s “DREAM MEAL” . . “Chicken Nuggets”:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Rozlynn Coloring, and Cleaning.

5. One thing Rozlynn would do to make our school even better: “Everyone picks up after themselves.”

6. When Rozlynn grows up she would like to be a Mom and a Police Officer.

Why was Rozlynn chosen as Artist of the Month?

Rozlynn is yet another one of those “1st Grade Leaders” . . always eager to listen, learn, and share her creative talents with others.  She leads by quiet example, and like so many other Elementary Artists I will enjoy watching her talents continue to blossom.

3rd Grade - Mrs. Hays

1. Ila’s favorite thing about school: “Making friends.”

2. Ila’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I like to express myself”

3. Ila’s “DREAM MEAL” . . “Shepherd’s Pie”:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Ila riding horses and tumbling.

5. One thing Ila would do to make our school even better: “Stop fighting”.

6. When Ila grows up she would like to be a Marine Biologist.

Why was Ila chosen as Artist of the Month?

Ila’s kindness, thoughtfulness and creativity always seem to be “on” whenever she is in the Art room.  Like so many other “quiet ones”, she has a beautiful way of leading by example!

February 2024

2nd Grade - Mrs. Hilbun

1. Luke’s favorite thing about school: “I like recess because I can play with friends.”

2. Luke’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I can make nice things.”

3. Luke’s “DREAM MEAL” is an Oreo McFlurry with Oreo Cake:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Luke playing Fortnite on his PlayStation 4 with his sister.

5. One thing Luke would do to make our school even better: “Add new things to the playground.”

6. When Luke grows up he would like to be a Police Officer.

Why was Luke chosen as Artist of the Month?

Luke has REALLY been going above and beyond this year in the Art room - putting forth extra effort, trying unique and challenging combinations of ideas and materials in his work, and leading by positive example. 

3rd Grade - Mrs. Bilbrey

1. Audia’s favorite thing about school: “I like Reading.”

2. Audia’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I can make a big mess!”

3. Audiaa’s “DREAM MEAL” . . “Ice Cream”:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Audia creating Art and Crafts.

5. One thing Audia would do to make our school even better: “School picnics outside - or inside if it is muddy.”

6. When Audia grows up she would like to be a Gamer or an Artist.

Why was Audia chosen as Artist of the Month?

Audia is another one of those Artists who leads by quiet example.  She is an exceptional listener, and always seems eager to work hard and try creative things.  She has been a wonderful student to get to know over the past few years!

January 2024

1st Grade - Ms. Wilson

1. Myla’s favorite thing about school: “Art.”

2. Myla’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I can draw anything I want.”

3. Myla’s “DREAM MEAL” . . “Cookies with Ice Cream”:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Myla drawing and watching TV.

5. One thing Myla would do to make our school even better: “More Art and Lunch Time.”

6. When Myla grows up she would like to be an Artist.

Why was Myla chosen as Artist of the Month?

One of the most noticeable things about Myla is that she is always smiling!  She is a quiet leader in a rather large 1st grade class - always paying attention, always following the rules and doing what should be done.  And her creativity is Top Notch!!

4th Grade - Ms. Deardurff

1. Xain’s favorite thing about school: “I enjoy Specials a lot, and I enjoy making friends.”

2. Xain’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I get to build/draw cool things.”

3. Xain’s “DREAM MEAL” is Egg Sandwiches and Sushi:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Xain playing with Aiden and watching movies.

5. One thing Xain would do to make our school even better: “Help other students with their work and encourage them.”

6. When Xain grows up he would like to be an Artist.

Why was Xain chosen as Artist of the Month?

Xain has one of the kindest spirits I’ve ever encountered.  His constant smile and his endless positivity brightens each day.  He also has a fearless sense of creativity . . his imagination is Inspirational!

Decmber 2023

4th Grade - Mr. Smith

1. Stella’s favorite thing about school: “I like my friends at school, that’s basically it.”

2. Stella’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I like to be able to draw random things.”

3. Stella’s “DREAM MEAL” . . “Sushi would be nice”:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Stella taking walks and maybe reading a bit.

5. One thing Stella would do to make our school even better: “I could pick up trash that people don’t like to throw away.”

6. When Stella grows up she would like to be a Baker (“s0 I can make BAGUETTES”).

Why was Stella chosen as Artist of the Month?

Stella is one of the most creative, thoughtful, and considerate Elementary students I have ever had the pleasure of working with.  Her Artistic talents are to be admired . . she just has a wonderful way of looking at the world! 

4th Grade - Ms. Kuck

1. Calvin’s favorite thing about school: “Math”.

2. Calvin’s favorite thing about being Creative: “You can do what you want to do and make what you want to make.”

3. Calvin’s “DREAM MEAL” is BBQ Chicken Wings:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Calvin building Legos and sorting Baseball Cards.

5. One thing Calvin would do to make our school even better: “Get a pool and make lunch free.”

6. When Calvin grows up he would like to be an Engineer or a Scientist.

Why was Calvin chosen as Artist of the Month?

Calvin has been an excellent student every year that I’ve known him, both in and outside the Art room.  He is a wonderful, quiet leader for everyone around him, and puts his full effort and attention into everything he does.

November 2023

1st Grade - Mrs. Smith

1. Sam’s favorite thing about school: “Eating lunch with Harrison.”

2. Sam’s favorite thing about being Creative: “It is fun to do.”

3. Sam’s “DREAM MEAL” is Spaghetti with lots of Parmesan:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Sam riding his 4-wheeler and hunting with his dad.

5. One thing Sam would do to make our school even better: “Every classroom would have a pet.”

6. When Sam grows up he would like to be a Hunter.

Why was Sam chosen as Artist of the Month?

Sam has stepped up his “Art Game” to a whole new level this year!  Not only is he leading the way in the classroom with his peers, but he has also been making TONS of Art at home.  He is a positive leader!!

4th Grade - Ms. Deardurff

1. Lumen’s favorite thing about school: “Art, and making friends.”

2. Lumen’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I can use my imagination.”

3. Lumen’s “DREAM MEAL” is loaded nachos and ice cream:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Lumen making Art, Dancing, and Axe Throwing.

5. One thing Lumen would do to make our school even better: “Have an Art Club.”

6. When Lumen grows up she would like to be an Art Teacher.

Why was Lumen chosen as Artist of the Month?

Lumen has always been an incredibly imaginative Artist, since her earliest years at Ben Logan Elementary!  She continues to shine, inspiring others with her creativity, kindness, and leadership. 

October 2023

2nd Grade - Mrs. Birt

1. Chandlar’s favorite thing about school: “Art.”

2. Chandlar’s favorite thing about being Creative: “Making cool Art.”

3. Chandlar’s “DREAM MEAL” is Chicken tenders, fries, and an M&M shake from Steak and Shake:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Chandlar riding her bike, playing outside, and playing with her dolls.

5. One thing Chandlar would do to make our school even better: “Make the playground bigger.”

6. When Chandlar grows up she would like to be a Teacher or a Doctor.

Why was Chandlar chosen as Artist of the Month?

Chandlar may be one of the ‘quietest’ Artists that I’ve known, but her positive leadership and creative talents speak louder than words! 

4th Grade - Ms. Kuck

1. Bryson’s favorite thing about school: “History, Language Arts, and Math.”

2. Bryson’s favorite thing about being Creative: “I want to be like my favorite Artist.”

3. Bryson’s “DREAM MEAL” is Lasagna:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Bryson playing with Legos and practicing basketball.

5. One thing Bryson would do to make our school even better: “Make people set a good example so we can be the best school in Logan County.”

6. When Bryson grows up he would like to be a Basketball Player and a Painter in his dad’s shop in Bellefontaine.

Why was Bryson chosen as Artist of the Month?

Bryson has always been a dedicated Artist.  In all the years I’ve known him he has shown an eagerness to learn and willingness to take creative chances!

September 2023

4th Grade - Ms. Kuck

1. Carter’s favorite things about school: “I enjoy reading, writing, and Specials.”

2. Carter’s favorite thing about being Creative is “That you can do whatever you feel like creating.”

3. Carter’s “DREAM MEAL” is Cheese Pizza:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Carter making comics, reading, and watching movies. He also plays pickleball and basketball.

5. One thing Carter would do to make our school even better: “I would make recess longer, have writing workshops during school, and draw more”.

6. When Carter grows up he would like to be an Author/Illustrator and Preacher.

Why was Carter chosen as Artist of the Month?

Choosing Carter for Artist of the Month was undeniable!  His creative skills - especially his exemplary drawing style - are off the charts!!  Please pay close attention to Carter and his Art career as he continues to blossom and grow . . his future is certain to be PHENOMENAL!!

3rd Grade - Mrs. Bilbrey

1. Briggs’ favorite thing about school: “Science.”

2. Briggs’ favorite thing about being Creative: “You can make everything.”

3. Briggs’ “DREAM MEAL” is Cinnamon Rolls and Cider:)

4. When not in school, you can sometimes find Briggs playing with Legos.

5. One thing Briggs would do to make our school even better: “Cleaning Up.”

6. When Briggs grows up she would like to study the Paranormal.

Why was Briggs chosen as Artist of the Month?

Briggs brings his 115% to the Art room every single week, which is a blessing in so many ways.  He has continued to stretch and expand his creativity with every creative project, and I’m excited to see what he comes up with this school year!!