TEMPERA PAINT STICKS are a fairly new invention, created with the idea of being able to "Paint" without brushes, water, or BIG messes!

Paint Sticks are really EASY and FUN to useThey work like a Glue Stick (..No, they don't stick things together) - just 'Twist' them up a bit, find a piece of paper, and begin!

TECHNIQUES (tek - neeks) 

"HOW TO" use Paint Sticks is very Important!


Paint Sticks on BLACK

Paint Sticks are another Art Material that really looks GREAT on Dark Colored Paper!  They go on THICK and can be BLENDED with other colors, as long as they haven't dried yet.  If you choose to use Dark Paper as your background, then maybe DON'T Paint all of the empty spaces!?  Find a Black or Dark colored piece of paper, and CREATE a PAINTED "Masterpiece"!


Lots of COLOR!

If you're going to try Paint Sticks, then why not go for some Big COLOR!?  TWO or THREE Colors usually works well,  but feel free to use more if it feels right!  Start with a "BETTER" White Paper, and PAINT something bright and inspiring.


Colors in the Background

Sometimes it's nice to Paint LIGHTLY, and then once it dries, add some other Creative Ideas on top.  Grab a piece of "Good" White Paper, and CREATE a Light Background for later use.