A LINE is one of the most basic ways to make your mark.  One single Line can combine with another, and another, and before you know it something AMAZING has happened!  ...a letter has been made, a sentence, then a whole book!!  ...a scribble, then a face, then an entire Masterpiece:)

There are so many different ways to put LINES together!! fact, some Artists become MASTERS at using Lines!  This portrait of a woman by Italian Artist Leonardo Da Vinci shows how cleverly he used LINES to show Hair, Shading and Background . . and make a FLAT piece of Paper with Lines look 3-Dimensional.

Line Practice

Think of all the Lines you know . . then try to think of some Lines that you've never tried before.  Seeing the way other Artists put their LINES together can often inspire you to make your Art in a different way!

..from Light to Dark

"HATCHING" Lines - repeating them in a Pattern - is a very useful Skill to know as an Artist.  Hatching and Cross-Hatching comes in handy when trying to SHADE or give your drawing DEPTH.

Try some of these LINES and TECHNIQUES, and your Drawing Skills will certainly improve!


One more thing to try with Lines is to change how THIN and THICK you make them.  Not only is it FUN to try, but it make your Artwork more EXCITING to look at!


Straight Lines Only

The challenge of using ONLY Straight Lines in an Artwork can sound like a simple one, but figuring out ways to make Straight Lines EXCITING is the true test.

Thin, THICK . . dark or light . . see if you can CREATE an Interesting Artwork using only STRAIGHT LINES.

... by the way, you might want to use a RULER!!



Lines don't always have to be BLACK and WHITE.  Sometimes a "Splash" of COLOR is the exciting choice your Artwork needs.  For this idea, try to CREATE a COLORFUL Drawing using LINES, LINES and MORE STRAIGHT LINES!


Colors and  Curves

Lines can also be COLORFUL and CURVY!  While it's easy to let your LINES get "WILD" and a bit "Out of Control", good things can happen when you pay attention to where they are going.  CREATE an Artwork with BRIGHT, CURVY, COLORFUL LINES!