Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Giuseppe Arcimboldo was born a LONG time ago, in 1526.  He was a famous Italian Painter, known for his Fruit and Vegetable Portraits.  Arcimboldo was a "court painter" so he spent his days painting for Royalty!  His paintings are packed with details, and were meant to entertain his Royal patrons.





Arcimboldo's "Still Life Portraits" are definitely strange to look at! If you LOOK closely you can see that each Face is made up of many pieces.  Can you tell why he chose those pieces for each face?






 Arcimboldo could paint very "normally" if he wanted to, especially when he was trying to impress his Royal bosses!  There were no cameras or cell phones in Giuseppe's day, so PORTRAITS (picture of people) were very special.  Pretend you are an artist hired by your FamilyCREATE an artwork that your family would be proud to hang on their wall. 


This painting by Arcimboldo is called "The Librarian".  Can you see why?  CREATE an artwork of someone you know by making them out of THINGS that they LIKE.'re really going to have to STRETCH your Imagination with this one! 


 It seems like Arcimboldo must have spent a lot of time outdoors, looking at Nature.  With so much DETAIL he must have looked very closely at things!  Find an OBJECT that has a lot of Detail, and see if you can DRAW what you see.