Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp (Mar-sell Doo-shomp) was born in Blainville-Crevon, France in 1887.  He was a Painter, Sculptor, Writer and chess player.  His work style of artmaking is usually known as Cubist, Dada, or Conceptual Art.  Duchamp's early artworks were influenced by many artists like Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso.  

As Duchamp grew as an artist he began to "experiment" with creating Art in different ways besides Painting.  Marcel used common objects such as Wood, String, and anything else he could find.  He put the pieces together in interesting ways, and called them "Readymades".   He then put his sculptures on display in museums, and called them "Art"!?


Before Marcel Duchamp turned the Art world upside down with his sculptures, he created some very interesting paintings. While they started as "normal" artworks - such as the "Landscape at Blainville" - Marcel quickly started to play around with other Ideas.

"Landscape at Blainville" - Duchamp, 1902

"Portrait of the Artist's Father" - 1910

"Sad Young Man On a Train" - 1911

"Coffee Mill" - 1911

"Nude Descending Staircase" - 1912

 Duchamp wanted to make people THINK about an artwork, instead of just looking at it.  What do YOU think about the artworks below?

"Bottle Rack" - 1914

"In Advance of a Broken Arm" - 1915

"Fountain" - 1917

"L.H.O.O.Q. - Mona Lisa with a Moustache" - 1919


This "Readymade" sculpture called "Bicyclewheel" shows one of the ways that Duchamp made people look at Art differently.  See if you can find something ORDINARY, and then CREATE an Artwork that makes people really Scratch Their Heads and THINK

...and try to give it a good NAME!!


This picture shows Duchamp's painting, "Portrait of Chess Players".  Find a CANVAS or HEAVY PAPER, grab a BRUSH and get ready to PAINT an CUBIST ARTWORK!  The secret to Cubism . . pretend you dropped your painting and it BROKE into LOTS of pieces, and you just couldn't put it together the right way again.


One of the fun, Artistic experiments that Duchamp tried was playing around with SPIRALS.   Once he made them, he would SPIN them around, and even make them into MOVIES!!  Find a paper, and CREATE a CIRCLE, and then design your own SPIRAL Artworks like Marcel did.  It might be fun to make more than one!?

"Aenemic Cinema" - 1926

Hold onto your chair . . this short movie by Duchamp will probably make you DIZZY!!