Helen Frankenthaler

Helen Frankenthaler was an American artist, born in 1928.  She was an Abstract Expressionist painter, famous for her LARGE, colorful canvases.  Helen would lay a new canvas cloth on the floor, and brush or pour the paint directly onto it, letting the paint flow with her feelings.

"Orange Mood"


"Air Frame"

"Inline Jumbo"

Abstract Art LOOKS like "something", but accidentally.  In these paintings, Helen has not painted an object, but rather tried to capture her FEELINGS about that object or idea.  Can you Imagine what she was trying to paint? 

"A Green Thought In a Green Shade"

"Mary Mary"


"Western Dream"


ABSTRACT Art is fun to make because it doesn't have to look exactly like something.  Usually Abstract Art follows the Colors and Patterns found outdoors in nature.  These photographs of a sunset and a rock canyon are good examples.  CREATE an Abstract Artwork of your own, playing around with COLORS and how they make you feel. 

- Be sure to give your artwork an Interesting Name when you are finished!


Helen loved making REALLY BIG artworks!  Locate the biggest piece of Paper that you can find, and CREATE a HUGE artwork!  Remember . . since it's BIG, it will take longer to finish.


This is one of Helen's first famous paintings called "Mountains and Sea".  Think of a place that you really enjoy.  CREATE a special artwork about that place, and how it makes you feel.