Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1928.  Throughout his life Andy made hundreds and hundreds of artworks.  He is mostly known for his Screeen Prints, but also created many drawings, sculptures, photographs and films.  Andy was known as a 'Pop Artist', and remains one of America's most famous artists.

"Soup Can - Onion"

"Hamburger - Beige"

"Cat Named Sam"

"Brillo Box"

Andy Warhol was one of the leaders of the Pop Art style.  Pop Artworks were usually of "normal", everyday things like comic book pictures, animals, soup cans...  Do Andy's artworks look like SERIOUS art to you?



"Mona Lisa"

"Grevy's Zebra"


Andy loved playing around with COLOR in his artworks.  He would print the same picture over and over again, but change the Colors every time.  See if you can CREATE an artwork where the COLORS are all "messed up".

...and if you're REALLY feeling brave, CREATE the same artwork more than once (using different Colors every time!).


Andy loved animals.  In his art studio he had 25 cats running around everywhere (all of them named Sam).  Whether you love animals as much as Andy or not, CREATE an artwork about an ANIMAL.   If you're feeling like a Pop Artist, give it some WILD COLORS!


Andy and the other Pop Artists really wanted to make people THINK about art, so they chose "regular, old, boring" objects to DRAW, PAINT, or turn into SCULPTURES.  Try to find a very "NORMAL" object to look at, and then CREATE a Fabulous Artwork all about it.