Bren Bataclan

Bren Bataclan was born in the Phillipines in 1969, but has lived most of his life in the United States.  He began by teaching art to college students, but then decided to become a full time artist.  He is most famous for giving away his paintings, with the requirement that if you take one you must SMILE at random people more often:)

"Smiley Guy"

"Boat Moon"



Bren likes to use BRIGHT COLORS in his cartoony paintings.  How do his painting make you feel?  Could you imagine finding one of his 'hidden paintings?!

"Bow Tie Guy"

"Happy Couple"

"Beanie Boy"



This painting by Bren Bataclan is called "All The Gang".  He really loves SHARING his artworks with others.  CREATE an artwork . . and GIVE IT AWAY with the message "This painting is yours if you promise to Smile at random people more often". 

- Make sure Mr. Reese takes a picture of your artwork first!! 


Sometimes Bren works very SMALL!  Find a very small PAPER (or Canvas) and CREATE a Little Artwork about anything that makes you SMILE.


Bren spends time sharing his art with students.  Together they make large artworks (Murals) that make the school a happier place.  TOGETHER with another student, CREATE a Positive artwork and hang it in our hallways to brighten peoples' day!