PAPIER MACHE is a MESSY and fun way to create SCULPTURE, or 3-Dimensional ArtworksThere are two main ways to work with Papier Mache . . either by gluing STRIPS of paper together, or by using PAPER PULP.

Gluey paper is typically wrapped around a FORM, and then left to dry.  Once dry the Papier Mache becomes hard, and can be painted.  Almost any paper can be used, which makes Papier Mache a pretty cheap (and Eco-friendly!) way to make Art.

TECHNIQUES (tek - neeks) 

"HOW TO" use Papier Mache:



The Art of making MASKS goes back hundreds of years.  Not only is it a 3-Dimensional way to create a PORTRAIT (or Self-Portrait?!) but also a fun way to PRETEND to be someone else.  All good Masks show FEELINGS, so have ONE in mind as you build. Grab some Papier Mache materials, and you're ready to start FORMING your Mask!



With a little more attention to fine details, it's possible to create an entire PERSON or ANIMAL out of Papier Mache.  As with the Mask, it's best to build a BASIC FORM underneath first, then the Papier Mache layers work like the "protective skin" on top.  Decide which figure you'd like to try to make, then begin SCULPTING!



Papier Mache BOWLS can be beautiful and useful works of ArtA bowl can be made over a FORM like the Mask and Figurine, but the real trick with making a nicely shaped bowl is using a BALLOON.  Inflate the balloon - lightly coating it with Petroleum Jelly helps when you're done - and quickly/carefully LAYER with STRIPS of glue coated paper.  Lay the balloon aside to dry, and once it is no longer COLD to the touch, poke a hole in the balloon and deflate it.  It should peel away easily.  You may need to add another layer or two of Papier Mache to make the bowl stronger.  Once dry, PAINT or finish as you'd like.