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Colby Stolph: A team player

Varsity soccer player Colby Stolph is entering his third year at Badin.

Stolph has been playing soccer all three years at Badin, becoming captain this year. However, his soccer career did not start here.

“I started playing soccer when I was really young and then I realized I made a lot of goals so I decided to stay with it,” Stolph said.

Stolph’s soccer career isn’t only limited to Badin, he also plays club soccer.

“I play club soccer for Ohio Elite year round, I like it just the same as Badin’s soccer program,” Stolph said.

Stolph plays center midfield and sometimes striker.

“As center midfielder I can get the ball a lot and be an active part of the team,” Stolph said.

Getting the ball isn’t the only thing that matters to Stolph, he also cares about his teammates.

“My favorite part of soccer is having a close relationship with my teammates. It’s not just about what goes on in the sport, but what goes on outside like making friends,” Stolph said.

Colby's Writing