International Links

We are delighted to announce that Aylward Academy has successfully met the criteria for the Intermediate level of the British Council International School Award

Internationalism at Aylward Academy

Aylward Academy is the holder of a prestigious International Schools Award and runs a number of exciting International Projects with partner schools overseas. We endeavour to place Internationalism at the heart of the curriculum at Aylward Academy to celebrate our strong partnerships with schools and organisations around the world.

  • We are members of the NASA - supported Partner School Science Program (PSSP). This involves working on Space Related projects with our sister school and partner schools all around the Globe in STEM related topics, particularly in Astronomy and every year we send a group of our students to Space Camp Turkey. This international element is built into the Science curriculum and involves working collaboratively over Skype with our colleagues from International Schools.

  • This year we were successful in receiving a grant from the Hakuho Foundation, and a group of our students will have the chance of a lifetime to spend two weeks in Japan in April 2018, staying with local families and visiting schools. Aylward Academy was the only state school in the world to successfully receive this grant in 2018, which is only awarded to a small number of schools worldwide.

  • We run teacher exchange programmes with Izmir Turk College in Turkey; teachers work collaboratively on projects and share best practice. For example, this year students in the music faculty are working collaboratively with their Turkish counterparts on composing a piece of music.

  • Student exchange programmes with China and Poland: Aylward Academy regularly welcomes students from overseas who join us to experience life at a London School. They are warmly welcomed by our students who “buddy up” with them while they are in the UK.

  • Teacher visits to our sister school in Ghana. Our lead practitioners in Science and Mathematics visited Baba Yara High School under a programme run by the British Council, running whole staff training and teaching classes.

  • We run a successful International teacher training programme; Training teaching staff from South Korea, Colombia and China. Teachers join us from overseas, share good practice with colleagues and participate in school life.