Support & Anti-Bullying

Support and Anti-Bullying at Aylward Academy

What do I do if I don’t feel safe?

If you have any concerns about your safety, or the safety of anyone else then speak to the Safeguarding team or to any of the Pastoral Team.  You will also find lots of support information on this page.  It is always better to talk to someone.

What is bullying?

It is the deliberate behaviour by an individual or a group that is seen by you as an attempt to hurt, frighten or threaten you or someone else, particularly if the behaviour is repeated or persistent.

Bullying can be:

What can I do?

DO NOT allow someone to be deliberately left out of a group, or smile and laugh if you witness someone being bullied.

What does Aylward Academy think about bullying?


Click the icons to visit each site.

Childline is a free 24 hour counselling service for children and young people up to 18 in the UK, provided by the NSPCC.

Bullying UK is part of the Family Lives charity. 

The NSPCC is the UK's leading children's charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover.  

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health.