Support & Anti-Bullying
Support and Anti-Bullying at Aylward Academy
What do I do if I don’t feel safe?
If you have any concerns about your safety, or the safety of anyone else then speak to the Safeguarding team or to any of the Pastoral Team. You will also find lots of support information on this page. It is always better to talk to someone.
What is bullying?
It is the deliberate behaviour by an individual or a group that is seen by you as an attempt to hurt, frighten or threaten you or someone else, particularly if the behaviour is repeated or persistent.
Bullying can be:
Physical - Hitting, pushing, taking some’s belongings
Verbal - Name calling, insulting, racist or sexist remarks, threatening or demanding money
Indirect - Spreading rumours, sending abusive text messages or emails excluding someone from a group
Cyber Bullying - Threatening, upsetting or harassing using technology
What can I do?
If you see it happening to someone else or it is happening to you report it
Tell your Form Teacher and/or your Director of Learning
Encourage the bullied pupil to join in with your activities or groups
Tell the bullying pupil that you disapprove of his/her actions
DO NOT allow someone to be deliberately left out of a group, or smile and laugh if you witness someone being bullied.
What does Aylward Academy think about bullying?
Bullying is not acceptable at Aylward Academy
You a have the right to feel safe and happy, free from intimidation and fear
Bullied students will be listened to
Reported incidents will be taken serious and thoroughly investigated
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