Attendance & Punctuality

"Attend today and achieve tomorrow - MAKE EVERYDAY COUNT." 

"When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating."

Good attendance is key to success at Aylward Academy; our Attendance Team and Directors of Learning work closely with parents and carers in line with our attendance policy to support good attendance and punctuality for all students. 

We use an automated system that will send parents/carers a text message if your child is absent when they shouldn't be. 

What should I do if my child is absent from the Academy?

Phone the student absences line on 020 8803 1738


Send an e-mail to 

Is my child too ill for school?

This NHS guide includes a link to UK Government Guidelines to support parents and carers

Is My Child Missing Out?

Focus on Attendance and Punctuality

Research by the Department for Education demonstrates that attendance and punctuality play a vital role in a student’s progress and are crucial factors in students achieving their full potential in education. At Aylward Academy we wish to work in partnership with parents and carers and so are seeking your full support in ensuring that your child attends the Academy every day and on time. We are always pleased to work together with parents/carers in resolving any difficulties but we are also committed to improving attendance levels at the Academy.

At Aylward Academy individual attendance levels are monitored throughout the academic year, and regularly communicated to students, parents and staff. We provide this information in order to support families to improve attendance rates, and to illustrate how attendance can impact the future of our students.

A significant proportion of our students have an attendance rate of around 90%. Many believe this to be acceptable, but what does it really mean for our students?

What does an attendance rate of 90% look like?

Attendance and Achievement

Research proves that there is a direct link between a student’s attendance levels and their academic achievement. A study by The Department for Education shows that attendance is likely to affect GCSE outcomes in the following way:

Aylward Academy Timetable

The Academy is open to students from 08:00. The school day starts at 08:45 and ends at 15:30. 

It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that their child arrives punctually for the formal start to the Academy day before 08:40 each day. Students arriving after this time will be considered late, and will be issued with detentions the same day.  

Please be aware that the parent or carer is responsible for arranging their child's safe transport from the Academy to home. After 15:30 the Academy is no longer responsible for the safety of your child remaining on-site, unless they are participating in an after school organised activity for which you have given them prior permission to attend or attending a Centralised Detention where notice will be given in advance.

Academy Day starts for all students 

End of Academy Day


KS4 & KS5

Centralised Detention Times 

Notice of any detentions will be given to parent/carer in advance via text message - please ensure the Academy has up-to-date contact information.

The target attendance figure for all pupils is a minimum of 97% attendance. Based on current attendance figures your child will be placed in one of the following groups below :

Group 1: No Concern 

Group 2: Concern 

Group 3: Risk of Underachievement 

Group 4: Severe Risk of Underachievement 

Group 5: Extreme Risk of Underachievement 

Your child will be informed of their Attendance Group by their form tutor. Aylward Academy are monitoring students closely whose attendance is falling and will contact you if your child’s attendance does not improve. As a parent/carer you are committing an offence if you fail to ensure that your child attends the Academy regularly and punctually, even if they are missing the Academy without your knowledge. It is important that parents/carers monitor single day’s absence, as these days soon add up to weeks.

At Aylward Academy we reward pupils who attend the Academy each day and whose attendance is improving. Students are also rewarded for good punctuality. 

If you are concerned your child's Attendance’ there are important steps that you can take:

Thank you for working in partnership with us to achieve the highest possible levels of attendance and punctuality at Aylward Academy.

ARBOR : Student Communications 

Can all parent please ensure they have downloaded our (free) Arbor Parent Portal app to ensure they receive regular and up-to-date communications about their child. We have a selection of step-by-step guides in multiple languages - please click the below :