Inclusion and SEND Support
Supporting Students At Aylward Academy
We are an Inclusive Academy and all staff to make reasonable adjustments to their practice to ensure that all our students make progress and are able to access the curriculum. We currently have 33 students with an EHCP. A large number of the students on our SEN register have Speech, Language and Communication needs, others have ASD. We also have students with moderate difficulties with cognition and learning. We currently have students who visual and hearing impairments. We also have a number of students with SEMH difficulties.
Despite having a 3 storey building we do have lift access to upper floors. We will also have a chair ramp for better access across the site. We have disabled toilet facilities. We also have 6 designated Disabled Parking Bays.
Identifying Needs at Aylward Academy
We will assess each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment on entry, which will build on previous settings and Key Stages, where appropriate. Teachers will make regular assessments of progress for all pupils and identify those whose progress is a concern. This may include progress in areas other than academic attainment, for example, social or communication needs.
When deciding whether special educational provision is required, we will start with the desired outcomes, including the expected progress and attainment, and the views and the wishes of the pupil and their parents. We will use this to determine the support that is needed and whether we can provide it by adapting our core offer, or whether something different or additional is needed.
Identification of SEN
Any member of staff or parent/carer can refer a student for any of the categories of SEN. Information to support the referral will be gathered from one or more of the following as relevant:
previous schools
results of objective tests e.g. CATs, data collections, KS2 results
results of other tests available in school such as word recognition, spelling, words per minute
class teacher observations and assessments
tutor and year team observations or records
SEN referral completed by staff via email
Examination or data collection results as appropriate
The steps Aylward Academy take if SEND is identified
If SEND is identified the stages of action are:
Initial concerns expressed by parent, teachers, health or social services professional
SENCO gathers information, makes initial assessment and informs parents of outcomes
SENCO seeks further advice/assessment from professional and outside agencies if required
If the young person is identified as SEND the SENCO will provide teachers, parents and the child with advice, strategies and provision suited to support their needs.
If you think your child has SEND you can raise concerns via your child’s form tutor, class teacher or contact the SENCO directly as detailed below:
Click below to see the details of our SEND policies and arrangements
Early Help Support - The HUB
We have an inclusive policy at Aylward Academy and we think it is of absolute importance that all or our young people are able to access all of the activated our school offer. We also understand that a partnership with parents is vital for the health, wellbeing and learning for our learners. We make it a policy to liaise and plan with parents where needed to ensure access to our extra-curricular activities.
We provide early help support called The Hub.
Please click the button below for further details and information on our HUB provision.