Careers, Education, Information Advice & Guidance- CEIAG

At Aylward Academy we are committed to providing our students with a comprehensive programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and work related learning (WRL) for all students in Years 7–13.

Provision Overview


Our Vision

Aylward Academy is committed to providing Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance to all students through our bespoke curriculum which aligns with the Aylward Learning Journey. The Gatsby National Good Career Guidance Benchmarks underpin our strategic objectives to deliver, monitor and evaluate our programme offer ensuring quality assurance and continuous improvement to meet the needs of all students as well as parents, carers, staff and external stakeholders.

Our Mission

  • To provide a planned programme of careers education, information and guidance through the Gatsby Benchmark framework including organised activities for all students delivered in partnership with employers, businesses and external providers.

  • Ensure all students are supported to leave the Academy with the skills and knowledge required to access and secure appropriate education, employment and training, evidenced by a confirmed and recognised destination.

  • To support character development through the Aylward Attributes (Respect, Collaboration, Creativity, Resilience, Independence, Professionalism) including opportunities to reflect on strengths and areas for development to inform future learning and work choices and develop positive self-esteem.

  • To embed careers into the curriculum providing subject links to professions and sectors enabling students to understand the importance of their studies and how they will help in achieving their future career aspirations.

  • To promote parent/carer involvement through events, forums and access to information throughout the year.

  • Provide opportunities for careers exploration, independent learning and research through the provision of a wide range of resources including the U-Explore Start online careers platform.

  • Provide experience of work places and employers through work experience, employer presentations, career fairs and workshops.

  • To support student understanding of Labour Market Information including the changing nature of work, learning and career choices; including the full range of post-16 education or training options, including apprenticeship and technical training routes.

Stragtegic Objectives

  1. Embed careers into the curriculum linking subjects/classroom learning to professions and sectors

  2. Deliver an aspirational Careers programme using the Gatsby Benchmarks framework which meets the needs of all and actively involves parents, carers and staff.

  3. To monitor the effectiveness of the careers programme for students including focus groups (HAP, MAP, LAP. SEN etc.)

Aylward Academy Careers Programme is subject to whole school quality assurance processes and is regularly reviewed. Please click links to the right for further information.


We are very lucky to have our own Careers Advisor at Aylward Academy. Students are able to book appointments with Ms Hooper to discuss future plans at any point during their time in Sixth Form. Ms Hooper also works with students on Results Days, making sure they have up-to-the-minute advice and support about their next steps.

Below is an overview of CEIAG

We are keen to engage with businesses and organisations that can assist us in providing the highest quality careers education programme for our students. If you would like to explore working in partnership with us or offering opportunities to our students or the academy, please contact Ms D Hooper on who is the Careers Lead within Aylward Academy.


There are a whole range of websites available to help students make decisions about future plans, whether they are looking at apprenticeships, alternatives to university, or graduate employment routes. Here are a few you may wish to check:

Useful Apprenticeships websites:

Your Learning Journey

The next stage of your life will require you to make a lot of choices about your future. At Aylward Academy we want to ensure that you are fully informed about those choices. U-Explore Start is a tool that will help you.

U-Explore Start

U-Explore Start is a online Careers Information and Guidance tool. By working through modules it will enable you to:

  • Make decisions at key moments of choice

  • Explore Careers

  • Explore Employers

  • Understand qualifications, skills and qualities required for Careers

  • Learn what you are best suited to

  • Discover the right pathway/s for you and the steps you must take to achieve and get there

  • Develop skills so that you have lots of value to offer in the world of work after school/studying

  • Build a personal profile

  • Learn about Labour Market Information – current demand and competition for jobs in your chosen sector/location


  1. Logon to your school account or the internet at home

  2. Click the 'start' logo above or the login in image to the left

  3. Enter your username and password:

  • Username is AWA12surname first initial (Year 13)

  • Username is AWA13surname first initial (Year 12)

  • Username is AWA14surname first initial (Year 11)

  • Username is AWA15 surname first initial (Year 10)

  • Username is AWA16 surname first initial (Year 9)

  • Username is AWA17 surname first initial (Year 8)

  • Username is AWA18 surname first initial (Year 7)

Password for all : system123