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Good Spotting!

Blog Commenting

Walt: Write a quality blog comment

Instructions: You are going to write a comment on three different blogs.

Remember to:

1. Add new information - e.g. Did you know that this camp has been running for more than twenty years?

2. Make a connection (something in common or the same) e.g. Did you know that we were in the same camp group?

3. Ask a question.

4. Write nice things - give a compliment.

Omaru Creek Recount

Walt: Write an explanation that describes the features of Omaru Creek

Instructions: You are going to write an explanation about Omaru Creek.

Explain to your audience what are some of the key features of Omaru creek and what we can do to keep it healthy.

Year 5 & 6 Camp Recount

Walt: Write a recount

Instructions: You are going to explain to your audience what you were doing on the Year 5 & 6 Camp: Wednesday - Friday last week. Make sure to hook in your reader and keep them entertained throughout the text.

Duffy Theatre Recount

Walt: Follow the structure of a recount to produce a piece of writing.

Instructions: Write a recount about the Duffy theatre we saw at school on Monday. You need to try to convince your readers that it was an interesting and great show, so that after reading your story they want to see it for themselves.

Think about how you are going to describe the Duffy theatre using interesting words, exciting adjectives and details, details, details!

About Me - Blog Update

Walt: Use a variety of sentence types to enhance our writing


This week you will rewrite your 'All about Me' for your blog. Have a think about what your audience would want to know about you and what you will be sharing with them this year.

Holiday Recount

Walt: Follow the structure of a recount to write about a holiday highlight.

Instructions: Write a recount about one of your holiday highlights. You are trying to convince your audience why your holiday was the best. Think about how to explain what you did by using interesting words, exciting adjectives and lots of details.