
Kiwifruit are a New Zealand favourite since ages ago. Also known as a Chinese gooseberry, or in other parts of the world shortened to just "kiwi".

Click the link to take you to this weeks work

Snail meets Worm

Meet the Kakapo

Antarctic Penguins

Killer Plants/ Cockroaches

Good Spotting!

Week 5




Killer Plants/ Cockroaches

Walt: Read and learn interesting facts about Cockroaches

Answer the following questions:

    1. How long can a cockroach survive without food?

    2. What helps it to survive this long?

    3. Cockroaches are nocturnal, explain what this means

    4. What is an ‘Entomologist?’

Create a Digital Learning Object to share 8-10 interesting facts about cockroaches.

Walt: Read and understand interesting facts about Killer Plants

You are going to create a fact file using a google app or a short movie using an ipad about one of the carnivorous plants you have read about.

Things to research and find:

Where does it grow/ live?

What does it eat?

How big can it grow?

How does it behave?

What does it do to attract its prey?

And any other interesting facts that you may have found

Helpful links:

Venus Fly Trap Link 1 Link 2

Pitcher Plant Link 1 Link 2

Bladderwort Plant Link 1 Link 2

Antarctic Penguins

Walt: Read and understand facts about Antarctic Penguins

Reading Book

Followup 1:

Activity One: Venn Diagram that shows the differences and similarities between Emperor and Adelie Penguins

Activity Two: Choose one of the penguins (Emperor or Adelie) to create a fact file about

Followup 2:

Activity One: Match the word to it's meaning

Activity Two: Create a fact file about penguins. Describe and explain it's habitat, characteristics and adaptations, description and diet.

Meet the Kakapo

Walt: read and understand facts about the Kakapo

Complete all of your activity carefully

Activity One: find the meanings for the vocabulary from the article

Activity Two: create a fact file about the Kakapo

Use google presentation to share facts about the kakapo

Habitat, Characteristics, Description, Diet and any other interesting facts

Also include what the DoC is and how they help the kakapo

Snail Meets Worm

Walt: use clues in the text to help us understand new words about our topic

Complete each part of your activity carefully. Both activities are part of one blog post. Remember to include the Walt and any other interesting facts about the Hochstetter Land Snail.

Activity One: Match the meanings to the words, discuss this with a buddy

Activity Two: Fact File about the Hochstetter Land Snail

This article was written by Andrew Crowe and can be found in School Journal Part 3 Number 3 1996.