
Jandals are the typical Kiwi summer footwear. Don't forget them when you're going to the beach and walking on that hot sand!



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The Ants and the Grasshopper

Mice for Sale

Clay Candleholders

The Unbirthday Birthday

Joy goes Busking

Dragon Fruit

Mrs Wilding's Potatoes

Good Spotting!


Walt: use relevant parts of text to accurately answer the questions

This is an article written by Jan Maguiness. It is found in School Journal Part 1 Number 3, 2004

Joy goes Busking

Walt: Use text to accurately answer questions

This article is found in School Journal Part 2 Number 1 1992. It is written by Jill Friar and photographs taken by Dennis Friar.


* Read article again to yourself or to a buddy

* Read and answer all questions carefully

* Create a Fact File about Busking in Auckland

* Use the Auckland Council site to help

* Link the council site to your blog post with 2 sentences explaining what this article is about

Clay Candleholders

Walt: Use cues from the text to read and understand new words

This article is written by Jan Trafford. It is found in School Journal Part 2 Number 1, 2002.

The Ants and the Grasshopper - The Sequel

Walt: Identify the author's purpose

This story is found in School Journal June 2014. It is written by Dave Armstrong and Illustrated by Scott Pearson.

Mrs Wilding's Potatoes/ The Fleamarket

Walt: Identify the author's purpose

This story is written and illustrated by Bill Nagelkerke. It can be found in School Journal Part 2 Number 2 20011.

Once you've put your link into the blog log, check that you've completed everything and your blog is up to date.

Dragon Fruit

Walt: Use cues from the text to read and understand new words

This article is written and photographed by Jill MacGregor. It can be found in School Journal Part 2 Number 2 2008. It's a very interesting article about Van and her family and how they grow dragon fruit or thang long.

The Unbirthday Birthday

Walt: Find the main ideas in the text

This story is written by Adrienne Frater. It's about a boy called Sam who doesn't want to do anything special for his birthday. Find out how he feels about this at the end of the story.

Mice for Sale

Walt: Retell the story again

This story is written by Julia Wall. It is a story about two children who have mice as pets but one day the discover they're going to have more mice. They're not sure what to do with them all so they decide to sell them at their School Fair.