

Jandals are the typical Kiwi summer footwear. Don't forget them when you're going to the beach and walking on that hot sand!

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Face to Face with a Tuatara

The Bat that walks on the Ground

Antarctic Seals

Unwanted Visitors

Good Spotting!

Week 5




Unwanted Visitors

Walt: Read and understand facts about Wasps in New Zealand

    1. How did these wasps come to New Zealand?

    2. What does it mean if wasps “compete for food?”

    3. Write one interesting fact about an Asian wasp

Create a fact file about the Asian wasp

Include information about its habitat, description, diet, characteristics and any other interesting facts

Useful links: Wasps DoC, Wasps Wikipedia, Wasps Science

Antarctic Seals

Walt: Read and understand facts about Antarctic Seals

Reading Book

Complete all parts of your activity carefully

Each followup activity is part of one blog post

Followup 1

Activity One: Complete the Venn diagram of the differences between a True Seal and an Eared Seal

Activity Two: Find the meanings for these words - mammals, haul, graceful, clumsy, moult

Followup 2

Activity One: Match the word with the meanings

Activity Two: Show a basic diagram of a food chain

In your blog post write a paragraph to explain what a food chain is using the words: consumer, predator

The Bat that walks on the Ground

Walt: Use clues from the text to accurately answer questions

Read and understand facts about the Lesser Short Tailed Bat

Complete all parts of your activity carefully

Each activity is part of one blog post

Activity One: Match the meaning to the word. These are all words from the text. If you're unsure use the book to help you and look at the context

Activity Two: Create a Fact File about a Short Tailed Bat

Habitat, Characteristics, Description, Diet, Interesting Facts

Face to Face with a Tuatara

Walt: read and understand new facts about a Tuatara

Complete each part of your activity carefully.

You're going to create a Fact File about a Tuatara.

You need to explain a Tuatara's habitat

Describe what it looks like

Describe how it behaves

List what it eats

And any other interesting facts that you discover about this native animal.

This article can be found in School Journal Part 1 Number 3 1998. It is written and photographed by Jan Maguiness.