George Dunn

George Dunn It is indeed simpleminded to insist that all parables must be analogies in the sense of permitting some one-to-one mapping of its elements onto the kingdom of God. If Barry feels he is being aggressed upon when people dispute that claim, all I can do is to remind him that disputation is what happens when you enter a debate. No one is forcing him to do so.


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Luc-Laurent Salvador To advance that "the interpretation of a parable must always involve some act of “mapping”" is certainly not dogmatic, it is just a proposal all the more "scientific" that it is very risky, thus interesting, since in order to refute it you just need to provide one single counterexample. You have not yet provided any and I note, for my part, a complete lack of counter-argumentation on your part to the explanations I personally provided in support of the analogy or "mapping" interpretation.


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George Dunn A counterexample has been given. But I’m not going to repeat it here because I know from experience that you just love to argue for it’s own sake, even to the point of pretending to have expertise in areas in which so know nothing, just so you can keep the argument going. Why would I want to be subjected to that again?

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Barry Kort It appears that participants here are of an unsettled mind regarding the value or probity of adopting the protocols of the argument culture.

As I have indicated elsewhere in this thread, I find the protocols of the argument culture unhelpful in the context of unpacking the scholarship of Professor Girard.

At best, one can form a theatrical company to put on a raucous parody or send-up of the argument culture for the purpose of revealing it as a deprecated practice when the goal is symmathesy.


Barry Kort By way of illustration of the disutility of the argument culture, I commend to your attention this classic send-up of the argument culture from Monty Python.

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