
Barry Kort


Dec 19, 2016

Here is a video animation presenting the same theory.


Barry Kort


Dec 10, 2014

There is a Wikipedia article on Rat Park that mentions the loss of funding. The annotation for the reference reads:

"Bruce Alexander says that his team ran out of funding from Simon Fraser University because they could not attract external grants to co-fund the research. The reason they couldn't attract external grants is because the implications of the Rat Park research was contrary to the conventional view of drug addiction." [Reference #5]

Here is Reference #5 from the Wikipedia article, "Bruce Alexander's 2007 Sterling Prize (90-minute) acceptance speech at Simon Fraser University" ... (video and/or MP3 audio)

Barry Kort


Dec 10, 2014

I agree with the take-away. Twenty-five years ago, I helped launch an online learning community (called MicroMuse) that sought to provide a fun, safe, collaborative, and creative environment.

And it worked marvelously, just as Bruce Alexander imagined.