A Dueteronomic Descant

A Dueteronomic Descant

Then Caprice was led by the Dementor into the desert to be tempted by Azazel. After meandering forty days and forty nights, Caprice became lost in the wilderness.

Lo and behold, Azazel, the Demonic Spirit of the Desert Wilderness, sauntered up to Caprice and said, "If you are up for a little Gamboling, let us sing a Spirited Duet."

Caprice answered, "The Music Man does not live on high school productions alone, but on every Theater of the Muse."

Then Azazel and Caprice assumed their places upon a rocky ledge on high, overlooking the Wikisphere.

"If you are truly Caprice the Flying Goat," intoned Azazel, "let us soar with wings of song."

And so Caprice and Azazel crooned their impassioned duet, as it was written and recorded in streaming audio, with lyrics by Pat Humphries and Barsoom Tork Associates.

And lo the audience joined in and each sang whichever verses it pleased them to harmonize with, for as it is written, "It is our choices that reveal our true character, far more than our clever abilities."

A Dueteronomic Descant

[Click the CDNote to start embedded MP3 audio of The Caprician Theme Song.]

Original Lyrics: Swimming To the Other Side

Copyright © 2001-2002 Pat Humphries

Sung by Lui Collins

Album: Leaving Fort Knox

Slouching To the Darker Side CopyClef 2005 Darth Voldemort and Barsoom Tork Associates.

Resurrection Hackware in Association with Azazel Nation. All wrongs reversed.