
Barry Kort


5:04 AM Aug 13

In this teaser for Kelly McGonigal's course on Udemy, click the Sample Video in the upper right to listen to a pair of brief introductory remarks about:

1) Suffering and Self-Compassion and 

2) Dissatisfaction and Mind-Wandering.

Barry Kort


1:09 PM Aug 4

Credits and Acknowledgements

I am indebted to Esteban Trev for raising the question of making sense of the case where the helix is turned upside down. After pondering it for a few days, it occurred to me that one could construct a narrative for such an unusual or unexpected case. In this case, the narrative led me to consider oddball cases such as gaslighting and delusions, along with a view of recovering from such pathologies.

The video on PsychoEducation was suggested to me by Karen Chang.

The graphic on Unlearning is one that Mani Saint-Victor has long championed in his campaign to diagnose and eliminate iatrogenic practices in his profession.