2016 Apr 1 - and the propagation prize goes to....

Post date: Apr 1, 2016 4:01:02 PM

This morning, while out searching for Bloodroot blooms, I noticed that

Greek Valerian (Polemonium reptans) has increased its footprint quite a bit in the woods.

I am very happy to see how well it inter-plants itself among the other species creating a patchwork.

Downy Wood Mint (Blephilia ciliata) is also multiplying like crazy, this one could be a problem, since the leaves cluster so densely into a mound, it may crowd out less aggressive species. One nice feature, is that it remains green all winter.

Walking the yard on this damp, 43 degree morning, I searched for all the plants I could find, making their way above ground.

Spring is definitely here, I found quite a few.

an incomplete list from memory...

Bloodroot (starting to bloom)

Greek Valerian

Virginia Bluebells

Celandine Poppy

Wood Mint

Wild Leek


Shooting Stars

Marsh Marigold

Spring Beauty (in bloom)

Wild Ginger

Dutchman's Breeches

Prairie Dropseed

Bleeding Heart

There is still a lot of work to be done to remove the remaining raspberry brambles, oriental bittersweet and honeysuckle from some areas.

This year I am digging everything up by hand, working to get as much of the root as possible. It never ends ;-)