o Feb 2014 Baby Does Vegas

This isn't so much a trip report as a guide to Vegas with Babies/Tots in tow. Yes, I went to Vegas and yes, I have something to report but no, this isn't one of my standard trip reports.

First off, to get it out of the way, there are many better places to take your kids on a trip. I don't put off going to Disney World or refuse to take my kid to the zoo in favor of Las Vegas. But when I want to go to Vegas, I can make sure my family has fun as well.

Do I prefer Vegas without a kid? Sure. I do Vegas differently when I just go with the boys. More drinking and harder gambling. I switch it up when I just go with the wife. More shows and shopping. But that doesn't mean I cant have fun with my kid on a trip. Do I feel judged by my fellow gamblers when I push a stroller down the strip? Yes, yes I do. But is that me with a gambling problem or them with a judging problem? I don't bring my kid through the casino unless I have to get to my room or into the mall. I don't push my buggy through the Naked City on my way to Fremont Street. I wont bring her into a fancy restaurant even though she is very well behaved. But I fear no shame in hitting up all the fun Vegas attractions that are set up to lore folks like us in.

Why Vegas? Why not? I know people that go to Vegas and don't gamble. They go for the shows. Or they go for the pools, clubs and malls. Vegas does all of those things on Epic levels. Add in cheap flights and cheap rooms and there is little wonder why its such a huge tourist destination.

But when traveling with kids you have to remember its their vacation too. Princess P was the ripe old age of 7 months when she took her 1st trip to Vegas. I'm pretty sure she was conceived here as well. Does she know whats going on? Nope. I've seen her be happy playing with her feet for an hour before. But that doesn't mean she cant have fun in the moment. If you drag your kids to Sin City and stick them with a fistful of coins for the arcade while you and the wife hit the slots... that is pretty shitty. But if everyone can have a good time and you learn to piece out your day it can be a pretty fun trip as the Griswold's have shown us!

We check in to Caesars Palace around noon and quickly go for a nice nap. Baby sleeping with Mom over watch, so Dad tries his luck in the casino. Building up a few nice wins I get the "Ready Daddy" text about an hour later. I'm up about $300 and head back to the room. Below is P at check in.

On the way to the Forum mall we stop off to "B" "Anal" at the buffet.

Shop at Baby Gap, go into Kiddie Kingdom, hit up a few other kid stores.

Ever wonder why there are kids store all over Vegas? Vegas still likes families. They even slapped a Disney Store on the strip at Fashion Show Mall. If the Mouse says LV is Kid approved so should you!

After watching Atlantis Fall (above) we try to catch some fish in their tank. It didn't work.

Back to the room for another Nap. This time we tag out Mommy to try her luck. She craps out but we have fun exploring our new home for the next couple nights.

During our stay with Caesar we checked out the M&M World. See what the new Linq is all about. Very boring. Visit the Miracle Mile Mall in Planet Ho and meander through the mini mall at Paris. Each day its the same tag team so Mom & Dad get play in as well while baby sleeps. I will warn you, gambling alone burns money that much faster! When you play in teams you shoot the shit.

Stop to watch each others bonus games. I much prefer the social experience of gaming. These first 3 nights I just burn through $2K like its nothing. I guess I built up a ton of points in the end. CET started sending me offers with $500 in free play. I'm actually heading back there soon to pick up a $450 Visa gift card and a Norwegian Cruise trip so I guess this seed money paid off in the end.

Next part of the trip we check into the Venetian.

I've been going to Vegas for over 15 years now and never stayed here. I was just playing through one day and ended up on their radar and out comes $100 in free play and a really nice suite.

We go explore our new home. Their mall is pretty awesome. I've been through it a dozen times in the past. But with the kid we stopped and explored most every store.

Well, ones that we would actually buy stuff from that is. Did you know that there is an art gallery on the top floor of the Palazzo mall that specializes in Disney art? I guess the voice of Belle from Beauty and the Beast now performs in town and paints as well. She will gladly personalize any of her prints or paintings if you buy here. The stuff you learn when you slow down to look around!

After wandering through the Grand Canal Shoppes we work our way down to Circus Circus. As soon as we walk in I feel welcomed. Like the old black and white flick "Freaks". "One of us, One of us". Plenty of families in here with kids. For every bit a degenerate I feel in the Venetian I feel like part of the team in here.

And I'm shocked to see Circus Circus isn't nearly as dirty as I had remembered. Grab breakfast and hit the Amusement Park. We spend a few hours wandering around, taking pictures. Letting baby point at all the clowns. Good cheap fun.

Dad loves Spongebob, so she will love Spongebob...

We start heading back but swing by the Flamingo habitat in... Wait for it... The Flamingo. Its small but peaceful. Some turtles, fish and birds on display. The price is right as in free. Baby sleeps through most of it.

But she is awake to see her friend SpongeBob.

Back to home base and some more nap time for baby. We spend about 9 hours out and about doing family stuff so we pull the tag team gamble play again throughout the night. The "V" isn't a bad choice if you are looking for a room to hang out in. Their sunken Living room works out nice while the kids sleep.

Wake up bright and early. As if you have a choice when traveling with your own 16 pound alarm clock. We head over to the Mirage across the street and check out the Secret Gardens. I'm Platinum and that means free but even if I paid the $15 bucks or whatever it is its not a bad deal.

Spend a few hours watching the dolphins and playing with the tigers. They seem pretty dull. Not sure how bad Roy Horn pissed one of these guys off to get eatin.

Keeping with the MGM theme we head into the Bellagio and walk through their garden. Crowded but nice. I'm not sure the kid knows what the hell she is looking at but it is colorful. Hop on the free tram over to Monte Carlo, walk through their shops. Not that you have any choice. And swing through New York New York.

They have a giant arcade in here. Probably the biggest on the strip. Take a few shots at the skill crane but that seems as rigged as their slots so we keep pressing through to Excalibur. Not the castle we promised her in Orlando but still fun to see.

Take their free monorail to Mandalay Bay and head into Shark Reef. Also free with the Platinum card and also worth your money should you pay.

Walk through Luxor and miss seeing the talking camels and the waterways they once had and head back home to the "V". Tag.

Next morning its back to the Zoo at Mirage! Its still free so its still for me! For some reason baby goes nuts over the White Tiger.

This is my life now. I have to hold her so she can stare at that big white fucks for a good 45 minutes.

They do have dolphins, but they are not for show. Those lazy pricks just swim and eat, no jumps no hoops no nothing. Just for looking at I guess.

Round out the day with a trip through the Fashion Show Mall and a romp back to Excalibur. I didn't win a minion but I did land this fat half white half Japanese baby!

In the end Vegas is an entirely new animal when traveling with a kid. They get 40 million visitors a year to pass through. That's $45 Billion for the local economy and less than 1/4 of that is from gaming. Look at me doing some research!

So just because you have a kid that shouldn't make Las Vegas off limits. Its actually a pretty great town and all of the attractions are grouped close together making getting around a snap with kids. I just got back from Disney World and it cost me over $3 grand for the 3 of us. And in the end the mouse didn't comp back shit. Vegas cost us $600.00. That's flight, cab, food, shows and attractions. Hell that $600.00 even included souvenirs. Yes we ended up losing $2K at the slots but that just paid for the rooms and set us up for the next trip. Sometimes I actually win money which is more than I can say for a Disney trip.

Is it the best place to take your family? Nope. But don't feel like you cant go back until the kids are off to college. You can find clean fun in Vegas if you know where to look. During this trip we did/saw starting from the North End of the strip:

The Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay.

The mall between Luxor and Excalibur.

Luxor also has a Titanic Exhibit as well as Body Worlds.

Excalibur's Fun Dungeon and castle tour.

Free Monorail between all the above. Its kinda like a ride!

New York New York's arcade. They also have a roller coaster but my kid was too small.

Monte Carlo Mall and free monorail to Bellagio.

Bellagio Gardens.

M&M Store. They have a great free movie in here.

Planet Hollywood Mall

Paris Mall

The Flamingo Habitat at Flamingo.

The Forum Mall and their 2 free audio-animatronics shows (now closed).

The Linq shops and High Roller wonder wheel.

Secret Gardens at Mirage.

Volcano Show at Mirage.

Shitty Pirate show at TI. Not really for kids any more (now closed).

Fashion Show Mall and the Disney Store. Many Las Vegas exclusives in here. We got the Elvis Stitch.

Grand Canal Shoppes at the Venetian. They also have a pretty cool wax museum here. We just ran out of time.

Didn't go into Wynn since they are not baby friendly. Not much to see with kids anyway, just some flowers.

Circus Circus.

You also have a great Children's museum not far from Fremont Street. Total cost for us to see all of the above... $0.00. And if people give you shit for taking a kid to Sin City just let it roll off your back. They do Vegas their way, you do it yours. Don't point the finger when you see them drunk or acting the fool. And one day they will stop pointing the finger at you are your stroller. There is plenty of Vegas for everyone!

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