September 13 - 17

Hopefully this week will bring some drier weather for us. Fall is a great time to get outside and be active. This week we will focus on some Foot-Eye Coordination skills (soccer) as well as have an outdoor scavenger hunt for you to work on with your family. When doing the soccer drills if you don't have cones or a goal at home, you could use stuffed animals to dribble around, lawn chairs as boundaries for a goal. Get creative and use things you can find around your house.

Links for soccer skill drills are listed below as well as the scavenger hunt. There is also a Box Fitness challenge that you can do to work on improving physical fitness. Exercising is always more fun when you do it with others so get your family involved in the box challenge as well. All can perform it together, or take turns on each round. You can also vary the exercises for ones that you enjoy (lunges, squats, mountain climbers, etc.)

Soccer Weaving Drill.pdf
Dribble, Trap, Shoot.pdf
Punting Tips.pdf
Dribble Maze.pdf
Dribble Relay.pdf
PE Scavenger Hunt
The Sweat Box - Paper version