April 4 - 8

I hope you all had an enjoyable Spring Break and were able to get outside for a bit. This week we will feature the skill assessment of a horizontal jump for grades Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. 4th and 5th Grade, you are just responsible for your accountability form and there are suggestions for activities listed below the Skill assessment ones for K - 1 and 2 - 3.

My classes worked on the skill of rolling a ball and doing some bowling. Even if you don't have a bowling ball that you can place your fingers into, a playground ball or tightly balled up sweatshirt can serve as a ball for this activity. To replicate the bowling pins at home, you could use pieces of wood if you have some lying around, or the easiest thing to use would be water bottles.

I will include two bowling score sheets if you would like to keep track of your score. The first sheet is for 6 pin bowling, and the second is a traditional bowling score sheet for 10 pin bowling.

I will also include a bingo card in which you can work as a family or with siblings to try to get some bingos. In my classes, the students have to get 3 bingos within the class time to earn a prize, if they are able to get blackout (every space), then they get a bigger prize.

Finally is a game for your family to try called Speed Bowling. In speed bowling you need three players and you will rotate from being the bowler, to pin setter to ball return and back to bowler as you take turns. For this game you only use 3 pins. You may want to do this in your driveway and place a circle for where to bowl from, and where to set the pins up at. Just make sure you are safe and not bowling a ball into the road.

Bowling Score Sheet
bowling bingo cards.pdf