February 21 - 25

This week's skill assessment for K - 1 and 2nd - 3rd grade will be the final skill of this trimester that you will be completing. This week's featured skill is Leaping. Check out the video below to assist you with that assignment.

In my classes this past week we took a week to play outdoors. We used snowshoes in the upper grades (3 - 5) and did some sledding on the snow piles with the younger grades. See the video below for more information about snowshoeing.

I would encourage you to try to get outdoors this week and see if you can complete one of the bingo cards that are below for your activity assignment. As always, you can choose to do your own physical activity, just make sure to send your accountability form to your teacher as well as the skills assessment for K - 1 and 2- 3.
