November 8 - November 12

I hope that you all got outside for a bit this past week and enjoyed that beautiful weather. Doesn't look like it is going to be as nice this week with some rain and cooler temperatures in store for us.

One game that we played this past week that was super fun was 1 base kickball. I will link a video of the game below, and feel free to substitute items that you don't have. For example, if you don't have a hula hoop at home, you could use a sweatshirt and lay it down with the arms laid in the grass to make a circle instead. If you don't have a cone, then you could just use a water bottle or a baseball hat. Get creative and take turns with each member in your family. Add your scores together and maybe make teams to see who can get the high scores (siblings vs. parents). Hope you enjoy.

Another great game is SPUD and we played this game again this week. This game can be easily played with a balled up pair of socks instead of a ball.

We will also give you another cup stacking activity to keep you skills building. Again don't forget that you can be a part of the STACK UP world record event that we mentioned the past two weeks.
Copy of SPUD.pdf