October 11 - October 15

Hello again to all of you and I hope you enjoyed your week last week. Despite the wind, the weather was great and I hope you took advantage and got outside to enjoy and engage in some activity as a family. In my classes at school this week we played some tag games with the younger grades and with everyone we worked on some golf skills such as putting and chipping. These things may be difficult to work on at home if you don't have your own clubs, but you can also get creative and use some household items to act as a club. The google slide document below helps to demonstrate some creative ways to make golf work for you at home. I also included some videos of my own kids demonstrating some putting and how we practice chipping before using the club. I hope you can get creative and create your own "golf course" at home and create some fun obstacles to hit around, through, under, or maybe even over. Enjoy!

Also listed at the bottom is a fun indoor way for you to get some movement working on walking, jogging, and running. The target audience for this one would be our younger K - 2 students.

Golf @ Home