Zara Sindi (Y8): Social media and cyberbullying

In our Y8 Global Citizenship lessons this term we have been learning about social media and its impacts on different aspects of our lives including our relationships and well-being. Our assessment for the unit will challenge us to design a humane social media app that connects people in a positive way and avoids addictive design features. We are also learning about privacy and social media in our computing lessons at the same time which is very useful.

Social media is a crucial factor in a student's declining mental health. Research says 37% of kids associate depression with online bullying. 19% of students who have been cyberbullied say that the experience negatively affected their feelings. Social media has had far-reaching impacts on society and specifically our youth. 

For the younger population, the pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on their lives. Not only did their education change, but new digital behaviours have affected their socialisation and other formative experiences. Many were introduced to online communities far sooner than they would have been under normal circumstances. As a result of this, screen time is at an all time high. The rise of screen time has caused a rise in cyberbullying. 

Cyberbullying is more common than people realise. Data shows 60% of internet users have been cyberbullied, harassed or abused online. As a school, the well-being of our students is our top priority and we don’t want any students to be the victim of such things. 

If anyone reading this is currently experiencing cyberbullying or any sort of abuse online, I urge you to speak to someone about it. There are many people who are able to assist you with this issue such as teachers, parents or any other trusted adults. You are not alone and help is available.

Zara Sindi (Y8)

Citizenship Subject Prefect