Jasmine Rahman (Y8): Wissam Boustany Music Workshop

On Friday 17th November all students in Key Stage 3 who attend Peripatetic Music Lessons, had the opportunity to take part in a Music Workshop run by composer, teacher and professional flautist, Wissam Boustany. 

It started with Wissam playing a piece of music that he had improvised. Afterwards, we talked as a group about what the piece reminded us of and  we had a deep discussion on how music has impacted us. 

“It was an amazing experience and I felt truly inspired. My favourite part was listening to him play his instrument because you could tell it came from his heart. I also enjoyed listening to him talking about his backstory and how he came into playing the flute,” said Ana (Y8) about the experience.

Wissam told the group how he got into music and how much loved and how much the flute meant to him. Then, we went around the room and each one of us, one at a time, talked about the instruments we play and how we got into it.We also had a one-on-one conversation with Wissam as he gave advice and his take on it. 

Before the end of the workshop, Wissam played us another piece of music but this time it was one that he had written previously. After the song was over, he talked about what inspired the piece. He said it was about the wind and how it travels around the world. He told us how it was about the perspective of the wind and how the wind viewed earth and humans. To me, it was super interesting how he took something so overlooked, such as the wind, and personified it to be educational. 

I personally think that it was a truly enlightening and inspiring experience.To know that I was talking to someone who has excelled in the music industry, to me, was extremely exciting and interesting. 

Jasmine Rahman (Y8)

Music subject prefect