Sayif Miah (Y12)

Career Read

As a young and ambitious learner, like all of Westminster Academy's students, some may find it difficult to know what they want to do in the future or how they would like to apply their knowledge into the real world. With career ready, they help identify the talents of young people and work with their network to support people like myself by giving us a platform to develop new skills and find the right career path. Career ready has been an ongoing success at Westminster Academy as many previous students are currently pursuing their lifelong careers

In November 2022 the students of the IBCP Applied Science and BTEC Business were interviewed where we had given an insight to career ready on what we wanted to achieve, what career paths we wanted to pursue and what we will do in order to reach our goals. 

Later that month, everyone who had applied was accepted and were taken on a trip to the Dominion Theatre alongside students from other schools for an introduction to Career ready. This consisted of a speech from the CEO and a show that informed us on what would be achieved through the career ready program. We were then sent to Clifford Chance, a huge law firm that gave us an insight into many different departments of the business and how they were able to get to where they are today. 

As an IBCP Business student, I find that with enough planning, resources and consideration anything can be possible. This includes finding a way to be one step ahead of your future by knowing what you want to do and doing whatever is possible to get to where you want to be. 

We then started the year off with having an icebreaker session with our mentors. This consisted of playing rock paper scissors with all the mentors and students participating. Here is where I met my mentor, Jasmine. I believe she is the perfect mentor for me as we have very similar interests in our career paths. This was a perfect opportunity for me as I was able to tell her everything that I believe she has the knowledge and resources to provide me with. 

As this is just the beginning of my journey with a career ready, I trust that it will get to where I need it in my career and a great outcome overall.