Bella-Jaye Cox (Y9): PE at WA

As a PE prefect, I have many roles such as representing our school’s PE department. In our school, we offer a broad curriculum for all ages. Whether it be formal qualifications or the core PE curriculum, any and all sports play a part. At Westminster we are pushed to have big goals and dreams, and our teachers show us all our career options.

We have a large range of sports at Westminster Academy including cricket, football, basketball, tag rugby, and more. Physical Education (PE) is a fantastic subject that promotes physical activity, skill development, and socialisation. It's a fantastic opportunity  to enjoy various sporting activities while maintaining your health and fitness.

Apart from the standard Physical Education courses, we also provide BTEC and GCSE Physical Education courses. Students have an amazing opportunity to learn more about sports and physical fitness. The main objectives are to promote healthy living, comprehend sports science, and acquire practical skills. It's really good for us since it teaches us about diet, promotes regular exercise, and emphasises the value of physical well-being.

Some sports we have been taught in our two weekly lessons are basketball and football. These are not just great for physical health, but they also help in developing important social skills. When playing these team sports, we learn how to communicate effectively, work together, and trust our teammates. We develop skills like cooperation, leadership, and sportsmanship. Plus, the physical demands of these sports improve our cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and overall strength. So, playing basketball and football is a win-win for both our social skills and physical health!

When I was in Year 8, a cricket instructor came in from Lord’s Cricket Grounds and helped me tremendously improve my cricket skills. Before our PE lessons of cricket started, I knew nothing of the sport and had never envisioned myself taking a liking to it or being good at said sport. However, after our weekly lessons I soon began enjoying it, and even got told that I could try out for the team. Overall, this experience really boosted my confidence in sports and PE, and I got to try out a new sport which was really fun.

Bella-Jaye Cox (Y9)

PE subject prefect