Amira Libab (Y8): Year 8 Maths

I am delighted to be telling you about the Maths Curriculum in our school. First let's start with the last two terms. We have been learning a lot about ratios, negative numbers, standard form and even learned about algebra. But how did it come together?

We started off with negative numbers and used number lines and different methods to answer difficult questions and a term later we learnt about dividing rational numbers which was very fun. We had a shock in algebra as it was so hard but it was amazing learning how to complete them!

In Sparx Maths (the online platform we do our homeworks on) we have something called 'Targets' and you are probably thinking what are the targets and what they are for? Well let me introduce you to it! One thing that is amazing about Targets is that it works out what you find challenging and gives you more of those types of questions to help you learn better. I now find Targets really easy especially when it came to algebra.

One thing that is also in other subjects, not only maths, is a 'Do Now' at the beginning of the lesson which gives you a chance to remember things that were in the previous lessons. In my opinion I find it very helpful when it comes to my work because we are being able to get all information ready for our end of term and end of year assessments.

It is important that we value maths because we need it in our everyday life as we grow older and we use maths in different ways - not only in school but to pay the bills and calculate things. What I find really helpful is from this quote by one of my favourite mathematicians:

You have to spend some energy and effort to see the beauty of maths.” 

(Miryam Mirzahkani)

Amira Libab (Y8)

Maths Subject Prefect