Safa Jassat (Y8)

Girls' Football

Every year, the Westminster Academy girls football team has the opportunity to participate in the Westminster U14s League against other schools such as St. Augustines, St. Georges, and Paddington Academy. As a team, we are very grateful to be part of such a school that provides the facilities we need to train and play that other schools may not be able to provide to their students. We are very grateful to have a football team like ours and are proud to represent WA.

I enjoy being part of the WA girls football team because it allows me to make new friends in a variety of year groups and learn new things about people.  Coming to girls football also helps me realise the similarities with others that we wouldn’t usually get the opportunity to socialise with. Everyone gets along really well with each other and are really competitive when it comes to practice matches. I also think that this is a really good way to stay active because it is scientifically proven that staying active can: improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities.

During our matches, we tried our best to overcome difficulties or challenges using our teamwork and resilience. Though we made some mistakes while playing, we took those mistakes and used them as an opportunity to help us learn from them and improve for the future. As well as learning from mistakes, we also learn from each other and encourage each other to try new things. And at the end of day, everyone has one main similarity, a love for football. We are so passionate about Girls Football and through football it has brought us all together as a team.

I would like to encourage more girls to join football because you could find an interest that you never knew you had. We train every Thursday after school with Ms Denis on the 8 aside pitch.