Special Post: Rola Al-Hassani (Y10): Norton Rose Fulbright law trip

Last term, Year 10 GCSE Citizenship students visited Norton Rose Fulbright, an international law firm based in London. 

We had the opportunity to learn about different routes one might choose to take following Post-16 study. To begin with, we were briefly introduced to the role the firm plays in providing different corporations across different industries with business law services including companies in Life Sciences and Healthcare such as Pfizer. We also discussed ideas surrounding Intellectual Property and its importance in this day and age. Intellectual Property refers to the creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names and images used in commerce. It’s protected by law, giving creators ultimate rights to their creations, allowing them to benefit financially and control how their intellectual property is used. Protecting intellectual property is highly relevant in the modern world due to the rapid pace of technological advancements and globalisation. 

During our visit, we met with lawyers and other employees at the firm; hearing from individuals who had completed their undergraduate degrees as well as those who are undertaking an apprenticeship at Norton Rose Fulbright, this provided us with an insightful understanding of the differences between the two options. Interestingly, employees at the firm shared their views on AI’s role in shaping the future of corporate law. Whilst recognising its potential, they believe that legal work is more complex than we may think it is, particularly when reading through documents and contracts, where human judgement remains crucial despite the abilities of AI. They highlighted the need for a balanced approach, where technology complements human expertise in legal work instead of completely replacing it.

In the afternoon, we took part in a workshop where the objective was to present a convincing argument to the judges about which city would be most suitable to grow their business on an international scale. WA students worked collaboratively with other schools using critical thinking skills to devise a plan considering many factors. The winning group included some of our own students - well done to Mayssa, Abaye, Atif and Liam for successfully completing the task and winning some Amazon vouchers!

Overall, our visit to Norton Rose Fulbright was a beneficial learning opportunity, enriching our understanding of law and its different branches beyond the stereotypical view of the courtroom. 

Thank you to Ms Diaz and Mr Law Smith for organising this!

Rola Al-Hassani (Y10)