Isaac Ijanboh (Y8): Being an English Prefect

Being an English prefect this year has been an amazing experience. I’ve always loved English, but this role gave me a chance to dive even deeper into the subject and help others along the way.

Learning about Romeo and Juliet last term has been really interesting. At 13, I'm only just starting to get what Shakespeare was trying to say about love and family. Even though the language is old, the story of Romeo and Juliet feels like something that could happen today. I have enjoyed helping my classmates understand the play better and see why it's still important. It's cool to see everyone get excited about it and know that I'm helping make that happen.

As a prefect, I organized and participated in several activities. One of my favorites was showing the Year 6 students around our school. We took them on tours, introduced them to different teachers, and answered their questions about what to expect. It was so enjoyable to see their excitement and help them feel more comfortable about starting a new school.

What I enjoyed most about being an English prefect was the opportunity to share my passion for reading and writing with others. It was fun to lead discussions and activities, and to see my classmates get excited about English too. I also learned a lot about leadership and responsibility. I had to be organized and reliable, especially when planning events or helping to lead tours. It taught me the importance of teamwork and communication, as I often had to work with teachers and other prefects to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Overall, being an English prefect has been a fantastic experience. It allowed me to develop my skills, help others, and share my love for English. I’m grateful for the opportunity and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Isaac Ijanboh (Y8)
English subject prefect