Nerea Saavedra Moreno (Y12): IB Visual Art exhibition experience

Studying IB Visual Arts at WA has been a life changing experience. It is beyond ethereal, emotional and beautiful to witness both your own works and those of your classmates come all together in one place at the same time in the process of our last efforts as students. Not to mention the recognition and appreciation received by all our loved ones within one place really allows an artist to reflect their complex and unique creative journey that has occurred in the past two years.

Throughout Year 12 till the end of Year 13 we develop our journeys and themes in ways that best fit our areas of interest and much of it required trial and error in the attempts of creating a satisfactory piece. One of the biggest lessons we've learnt is accepting that art is inherently unfinished and that as perfectionist human beings we can always work further on our works. Instead we must accept our creations at a certain point and let go of imperfections. In the process of preparing the exhibition we developed many of our other skills including literacy, communication and time management.

While at first glance it might seem like an intimidating process, it is one that I would never take away from my IB journey. Not only did I attain and practise many skills, both in the sphere of art making and as a responsible student, but I also made many friends and an irreplaceable line of memories in the positive light of discovering and celebrating art. 

I don't only recommend art students to continue their practice in creative forms, but I also advise to not let the possible slowness and patience required from art take away from your motivation to be creative. Go out there and explore you creative self. Just know that the beauty of it, although not always clear, is right under your nose and you just need to look carefully. 

Nerea Saavedra Moreno (Y12)

Visual Arts subject prefect