Salma Mohamed (Y9): BBC Earth Experience Trip

Visiting the BBC Earth Experience in London was an unforgettable experience. It was a series of rooms with David Attenborough’s magnificent nature documentaries projected on all the walls. If you’ve watched them, then you can imagine how excited I was! There were a variety of themes - for example, the plant room showed outgrown roots, wildflowers and fallen leaves. The way the sun was breaking through the cracks of the canopy and lighting up a simulated dirt path on the floor really made me feel like I was in the Amazon rain forest.

There was a Do You Dare room which had dimmed lights to create a suspenseful atmosphere. If you have the confidence to press the button in the room then an ominous sound effect played whilst the videos played. If close up videos of bugs disgust you I would suggest avoiding this room!

I loved the unique idea of using plastic waste and rocks to make the floor as it is environmentally friendly. The building's architecture is unlike any other as it demonstrates how being sustainable can make a big difference for our Earth. If you you didn’t find that cool, then there were actual beds to lay down on and watch penguins waddle across rocks or glide in glistening waters. It was so relaxing and I would totally recommend it. 

I’m really grateful to Ms Patel who chose me because this trip was a once in a life time experience that will stick me with me forever. The memorising visuals made me like Geography even more than before. In our curriculum this term we are learning about Central America and the images of prowling jaguars and fluttering butterflies I saw in the BBC Earth Experience have brought these lessons to life.

Salma Mohamed (Y9)

Geography subject prefect