Kan -El Adjei (Y7): Analysing short stories in English

Ever since I stepped into Westminster Academy, I knew that English was a top priority for all WA students. When I was told about the role to become a subject prefect, I knew it would be a suitable role for me so I could show other young aspiring students how English is presented in this school. I’ve loved English since I was very young and we didn’t have a ‘’Subject Prefect’’ role at my primary school, so seeing all the English opportunities atWA really did grab my attention!

Short stories are what I’m writing about. The amount of mystery you can showcase in one tiny story still amazes me today! The point is, a short story is a great skill to use in different situations. For example, if you want to read a book but you don’t want to read a long one, a short story would be short and quick. 

The short story we analysed and learned about in class is called “The Third Floor Bedroom” by X (extract below).

In this short story, the protagonist is a young girl (Pearlie) who writes letters to her brother who is in the army – she suffers so terribly from the grief of his absence that she becomes ill. I enjoyed analysing it because it had a lot of different quotes  to pick out and explore the use of different language devices within it. 

English is a really key subject and the more you learn about it, the more knowledge you can gain.