The "Sad Smiley": Test Performance of German Students over Time
To map the performance of German students over time, I collected all tests that tested representative samples of German students in mathematics, science, or German in a metric that is comparable over time. These are a total of 43 national test observations in eleven subject-specific tests from five testing cycles: PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, IQB Primary, and IQB Secondary. After standardizing test performance and estimating the best squared fit line, a clear picture emerges, that of a "sad smiley": After the PISA shock, average performance increased by about 23 points (percent of a standard deviation) from 2000 to 2010-11. As a rule of thumb, this increase roughly corresponds to 70-90% of what students generally learn on average in a full school year. From 2010-11 to 2019, achievement decreased by about 14 points, or about 60% of the previous increase. The decline is evident on all available tests. The period of Corona-related school closures is not yet covered by the tests. The little-noticed downward trend should worry us because these basic skills are the foundation of children's future life chances and of our future prosperity.
The story on the "sad smiley" appeared in Die Zeit:
Der nächste Bildungsabsturz. Die Zeit, Nr. 41/2021, S. 39, 7.10.2021 [tweet]
A short description of the methodology of depiction:
A slightly longer treatment:
Erkenntnisse aus aktuellen Schulleistungsstudien zur Evaluation des Bildungssystems: Eine bildungsökonomische Perspektive. In: Nele McElvany, Michael Becker, Hanna Gaspard, Fani Lauermann, Annika Ohle-Peters (eds.), Evaluation des Bildungssystems: Welche Erkenntnisse liefern aktuelle Schulleistungsstudien? Dortmunder Symposium der Empirischen Bildungsforschung, Band 7, Münster: Waxmann, 9-32, 2024