Digital Technologies in the Classroom

The Effect of Classroom Computers Depends on their Use

Many proponents hope that computer-based methods of instruction constitute a technological breakthrough that will fundamentally revolutionize the education system. On average, however, using computers in the classroom does not lead to better student achievement in math and science. But according to our research, the average result masks the fact that the use of computers has opposing effects in different areas: If computers are used to look up ideas and information, student outcomes improve; but using computers to practice skills reduces student achievement. Thus, the effect of classroom computers depends on their usage. The results suggest that qualitative improvement of instruction will emerge only if computer usage is focused on sensible applications where it creates real added value.


Blackboard vs. Computers: It Depends on the Application (with O. Falck)., 5.11.2019

Here you can learn more about my research on this topic.

My most important academic paper on the topic is:

Virtually No Effect? Different Uses of Classroom Computers and their Effect on Student Achievement (with O. Falck and C. Mang). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 80 (1): 1-38, 2018

My presentation of this paper at the CEPA Seminar at Stanford University:

Additional material is available in German.