
I regularly present at academic conferences, university seminars, and public and other events. You can find videos of selected presentations here. The following is a list of Keynote Lectures:

Keynote Lectures 

13th International Workshop on Applied Economics of Education (IWAEE) (Catanzaro 2023) 

Erich Schneider Memorial Lecture, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Kiel 2023)

7th Dortmund Symposium of Empirical Educational Research (Dortmund/Online 2022) 

XXIX Meeting of the Asociación de Economía de la Educación (AEDE) (Zaragoza/Online 2021)

11th International Workshop on  Applied Economics of Education (IWAEE) (Catanzaro/Online 2021)

Conference "Education and Corona", Digital Conference Year "digiGEBF21" of the Annual Congress, Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) (Online 2021)

Annual Research Conference, Childhood and Human Development Research Centre (CHilD), University College Dublin (Dublin/Online 2020)

12th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets, China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research (Beijing/Online 2020)

World Literacy Summit 2020 (Oxford/Online 2020)

International Conference on Income-Contingent Financing: Alternatives for Higher Education and Beyond, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea) (Brasilia 2019)

Conference of Fundación Ramón Areces and Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación (Madrid 2019)

Conference "Educational Inequality – Mechanisms and Institutions", Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies (AMCIS) (Amsterdam 2018)

BIBB-Kongress 2018 "Für die Zukunft lernen", Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (Berlin 2018) 

Jahrestagung, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bildungswesen (ÖFEB) (Feldkirch 2017)

CVER Conference, Centre for Vocational Education Research, London School of Economics (London 2017) 

Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics and Econometrics of Education, University of Lisbon (Lisbon 2017)

Annual Congress, Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) (Heidelberg 2017)

37. Jahrestagung, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bildungsverwaltung (DGBV) (München 2016) 

Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, Deutsches Jugendinstitut (Berlin 2016) 

Workshop on Education Economics, University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen 2016) 

Festvortrag, Jahresempfang der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) zu Kiel (Kiel 2016)

Competence Day, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Wien 2015)

Berliner Netzwerk Arbeitsmarktforschung (BeNA), BeNA Lecture Series 2015 at Humboldt University (Berlin 2015)

Workshop “Health and Human Capital Formation”, German Network of Young Microeconometricians, University of Mannheim (Mannheim 2015) 

Workshop “Family Decisions, Education Policies, and Labor Market Structure”, Aarhus University (Aarhus 2015)

Internationale Fachtagung (IFT) der ProfessorInnen für Volkswirtschaftslehre aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (Weiden 2015) 

Opening Ceremony, Wuppertaler Institut für bildungsökonomische Forschung (WIB) (Wuppertal 2014)

Conference “Evidence on Schooling and Wellbeing”, Aarhus University (Aarhus 2014) 

XXVIII Conference, Italian Association of Labour Economists (Rome 2013) 

8th Workshop, eeecon - the Research Platform Empirical and Experimental Economics (Innsbruck 2013) 

Workshop “Educational Governance”, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim 2013) 

Vollversammlung der Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Dortmund (Hamm 2013)

APPAM/INVALSI/UMD Conference “Improving Education through Accountability and Evaluation: Lessons from Around the World” (Rome 2012) 

PaLea Abschlusssymposium (Berlin 2012)

Workshop “Economics of Education”, TU Dortmund and University of Duisburg-Essen (Duisburg 2011)

3rd READ Global Conference / 6th World Bank ECA Education Conference (Frankfurt 2011)

Bamberg Summer School in Empirical Education Research, Bamberg University (Bamberg 2010)

Annual Meeting, Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW) (Stuttgart 2008)

11th Congress Pedagogical Psychology, German Association for Psychology (Berlin 2007)