Economic Costs of Low Educational Performance

The large growth effects of educational performance imply that low educational performance is very costly to society. Based on the relationship between educational performance and economic growth, we can perform projections of the future growth paths of the economy with given and improved educational performance. The thus calculated economic costs of low educational performance in terms of foregone future growth are stunning: For example, the projections for the United States suggest that in the long run (over the expected lifetime of a child born today), an increase in educational performance by 25 PISA points would imply 62 trillion dollar worth of additional GDP. This is equivalent to an increase in discounted future GDP over the period of 7.3%.

The potential economic gains are even larger in developing countries. In this, the projected gains from improving the current quality of schools are substantially larger than those from expanding enrollment at the current quality. As a consequence, the primary development goal should be that all youth around the world achieve at least basic skills. The importance of such a goal of universal basic skills for inclusive world development would be immense.

In 2020, we used the projections to quantify the potential economic impacts of the Covid learning losses. Estimates suggest that, unless effectively remediated, the lower long-term growth related to the Covid learning losses might yield an average of 1.5 percent lower GDP for the remainder of the century.

Research papers:

How Much Do Educational Outcomes Matter in OECD Countries? (with E.A. Hanushek). Economic Policy 26 (67): 427-491, 2011

The Economic Benefit of Educational Reform in the European Union (with E.A. Hanushek). CESifo Economic Studies 58 (1): 73-109, 2012

The projections of costs of low educational performance were published in three reports:

Universal Basic Skills: What Countries Stand to Gain (with E.A. Hanushek). Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2015

Costs of low educational achievement with a focus on developing countries and the development goal of universal basic education

The High Cost of Low Educational Performance: The Long-Run Economic Impact of Improving PISA Outcomes (with E.A. Hanushek). Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2010

Costs of low educational achievement in developed countries

Was unzureichende Bildung kostet: Eine Berechnung der Folgekosten durch entgangenes Wirtschafts­wachstum (with M. Piopiunik). Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2009

An early study on the costs of low educational performance in Germany

Report on the economic impacts of the Covid learning losses:

The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses (with E.A. Hanushek). Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2020 [video]

Short contributions on the projections with reference to developing countries:

Teach the World: Why the UN Sustainable Development Goals Should Focus on Education (with E.A. Hanushek)., 20.8.2015

Teach All Young People Universal Basic Skills by 2030 – It Will Give Huge Boost to GDP (with E.A. Hanushek). The Conversation UK, 18.5.2015

A two-pager focused on Europe:

The Cost of Low Educational Achievement in the European Union (with E.A. Hanushek). EENEE Policy Brief 1/2011

Non-technical contribution:

Universal Basic Skills Should Become the Primary Development Goal (with E.A. Hanushek). VOX, 24.5.2015

Non-technical contributions on costs of Covid learning losses:

Students Have Already Been Saddled with Economic Losses from School Closures (with E.A. Hanushek). The Hill, 10.9.2020

Costs of Past and Future Learning Losses (with E.A. Hanushek). Education Next Blog, 10.9.2020

Permanent Economic Damage from Learning Losses (with E.A. Hanushek). National Review, 18.9.2020

Material available only in German

Research paper:

Volkswirtschaftliche Erträge wirksamer Bildungsreformen zur Reduktion der Zahl der Risikoschüler (with M. Piopiunik). Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 17 (2S): 393-416, 2014


Was unzureichende Bildung kostet: Eine Berechnung der Folgekosten durch entgangenes Wirtschafts­wachstum (with M. Piopiunik). Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2009

An early study on the costs of low educational performance in Germany

Contribution on our research results:

Gute Schulen sind der beste Weg zu höherem Wohlstand. "Wissenswert"-Beitrag im Handelsblatt vom 3.11.2011 über unsere Forschung zu den Wohlstandsgewinnen besserer Bildung

Non-technical contributions:

Das zentrale Entwicklungsziel sollten Grundkompetenzen für alle Kinder sein (with E.A. Hanushek). ifo Schnelldienst 68 (10): 27-31, 2015

A short version of the early study on Germany:

Volkswirtschaftliche Folgekosten unzureichender Bildung: Eine makroökonomische Projektion (with M. Piopiunik). ifo Schnelldienst 63 (4): 24-30, 2010